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听诊头,耳挂,Y形胶管可以选配。The head, binaural and Y-tubing can choose.

通常在触诊之前应先听诊腹部。Always auscultate the abdomen before you palpate it.

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听诊右肺呼吸音弱。The auscultation right lung respiratory murmur is weak.

同步听诊有助于计数。Simultaneous auscultation can aid in the timing of events.

从听诊腹部评估肠鸣音开始。Begin by auscultating the abdomen to assess the bowel sounds.

必须触诊颈动脉搏动情况,和听诊颈动脉是否有血管杂音。The carotid arteries should be palpated and auscultated for bruits.

此外,系统还可以对用户的心音听诊能力进行测试。Besides, this system can be used to test users' level of auscultation.

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双肺听诊未闻及干,湿性罗音。Neither wet nor dry rale was heard in both lungs on auditorypercussion.

他们赶着回家听一位新总统为美国听诊把脉。They were headed home to hear a new president diagnose the state of America.

胸部听诊呈弥散至弥漫性湿、干罗音。Chest auscultation usually reveals scattered to diffuse crackles and rhonchi.

观察胸廓起伏并行肺部听诊明确是否充分换气。H. Observe lung inflations and auscultate the chest for adequate ventilation.

结果所有病人均出现心率增快、脉搏氧饱和度下降,双肺听诊满布湿罗音和哮鸣音。Results Tachycardia, decline of SPO2 and rale of lung was found in all patients.

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医生给他检查了喉咙,量了量体温,然后给他听诊心脏。The doctor looked at the boy's throat, took his temperature and listened to his heart.

在对胸腔听诊之前,让我们回顾一下正常的和偶发的呼吸声音。Before auscultating the posterior thorax , let's review normal and adventitious breath sounds.

胸部。肺部听诊有哮鸣音和湿罗音提示哮喘或心衰。C. Chest. Auscultation of the lungs for wheezes and crackles may indicate asthma or heart failure.

目的推荐一种经听诊三角的肌肉非损伤性开胸术。Objective To recommend the technique of muscle-sparing thoracotomy through the auscultatory triangle.

结论纵隔手术入路经左听诊三角较好。Conclusion It would be advisable to perform mediastinal operations through the left triangle of auscultation.

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用听诊法和荧光检查法确定导管位置,以5L流量新鲜气体,用预设容积的定压式呼吸机行机械通气。On a preset volume-pressure-limit ventilator with 5L fresh gas flow, the children were mechanically ventilated.

从诺亚·汤森的诊断记录上可以看出,他在听诊时发现有呼吸受到压抑的声音,肺部有。Through his stethoscope, Noah Townsend's clinical notes revealed, he heard suppressed breath sounds and lung rales.

临床上无特征性症状,其中5例因分流量较小,听诊未闻及连续性杂音。No patients presented any specific symptoms, continuous murmur could be heard in 1 patient, but not in those 5 patients.