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表见代理是我国现行民法中的一项空白。There is not surface agency in our law.

市民法之价值核心,即自由。The value core of jus civile is freedom.

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接着再想想相关的民法诉讼。Then imagine the collateral civil litigation.

添附是民法上的一项重要制度。Accession is an important system of civil law.

1604年他任民法博士协会律师。He was an advocate of Doctors Commons in 1604.

1604年他任民法博士协会律师。He was an advocate of doctors commons in 1604.

优先购买权是民法上的一项重要权利。Preemption is an important right in civil law.

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在大陆法系各国民法中,赠与都是重要的有名合同。The donative contract is typical contract in the Civil Law.

民法本位是民法的根本指归。Civill law standard is the essential destination of civil law.

债权人的撤销权是一项古老的民法制度。The withdrawing right of the obligee is an ancient civil law system.

中国民法法典化的脚步己不可阻遏地向前行进。The Codification of China's civil law is right on its way unconversably.

财产继承制度是我国民法的重要组成部分。The system of property inheritance is an important part of our civil law.

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民法中最大两个类别是合同法和侵权法。Two of the largest categories of civil law are contract law and tort law.

票据抗辩源于民法抗辩,但有许多特殊之处。Bill demurrer originates from civil demurrer, but it has many specialties.

民法和任何其他法律一样,都具有滞后性。The civil law and any other laws are the same, has the hysteresis quality.

民法价值和制度之间需要民法文化来贯通。The value and system of civil law need transfix with culture of civil law.

在第一章中,分析了代位求偿权的民法基础。In the first paragraph, the civil law foundation of subrogation is analyzed.

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他在南方周末辩护道,婚姻法不应该给民法提供例外。Marriage laws should not provide exceptions to the civil code, Mr. Yang said.

不动产租赁权是用益物权,是传统民法上之地上权和准物权。The leasehold of real estate is the usufruct and special real right in China.

法国等国民法在继受罗马法时,将优先权纳入担保物权。French civil law considers priority as a incumbrance, when it inherit Roma law.