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微风拂动着我的发丝。The wind blew my hair.

微风吹拂我的头发。A breeze stirred my hair.

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微风轻拂着她的头发。The wind kissed her hair.

微风习习。A gentle breeze is blowing.

耳边微风息息。Interest income ear breeze.

黄昏时分,天气越来越凉爽,微风轻拂,月光轻洒在地面上。It is getting cool at dusk.

微风吹动树叶。A breeze stirred the leaves.

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微风拂面。A breeze caresses the cheeks.

树叶在微风中刷刷作响。Leaves rustled in the breeze.

树叶在微风中窸窣作响。Leaves rustled in the breeze.

微风鼓起风帆。Wind that billowed the sails.

一阵微风吹过花园。A breeze blew over the garden.

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微风吹动了旗帜。The breeze animated the flags.

微风使水面上荡起了涟漪。The lake dimpled at the breeze.

绳索在微风中悬荡。The rope dangled in the breeze.

微风将她的头发吹乱了。The breeze discomposed her hair.

微风吹散了她的头发。The breeze disentwined her hair.

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微风轻拂着树梢。The breeze kissed the tree tops.

松林里微风沙沙作响。The breeze murmured in the pines.

风铃在微风中丁当作响。The chimes jingled in the breeze.