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而今,我堕入黄泉,你永生碧落。Now, I fall into their lives, you Biluo immortalized.

妻也空,子也空,黄泉路上不相逢。Wife are empty, son of space, would not meet the Styx.

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警察几分钟后赶到,不过那时他们都已命丧黄泉。The police arrived within minutes, but by then they were dead.

这些的当中是黄泉城市的城垛和防御。One of these is the battlements and defenses of the city of Dis.

这19人之后成为了非官方组织“半路黄泉”俱乐部的成员。These 19 went on to become members of the unofficial "Halfway to Hell" Club.

无辜、夭折、就这样让我们命归黄泉路?Innocent, the die young, like this lets us assign turns over to road to Hades?

奈何桥下的罂粟花依然美丽,黄泉路上的玫瑰花依然妖娆。What is the poppy is still beautiful, enchanting rose still lives on the road.

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这种畸形让血鹦鹉很难进食,很多血鹦鹉也因此命丧黄泉。This makes blood parrot very hard to feed. Many die eventually because of this.

假如再把“黄泉大道”的直线延长,就到了塞罗戈多山上的两处遗址。If then "Death Road" in a straight line extension to the Cerro Gordo on the hill two sites.

地震无情地将一个个鲜活的生命葬送于黄泉,毁灭了多少个家庭?Seismic callosity ground each fresh life put an end to at Acheron , how many family to destroy?

仅仅是要小心壁架和其他忍者,因为他们会击倒你,送你走上黄泉路!Just watch out for ledges and other ninjas because they will knock you off and send you to your doom!

那么,你是想放手一搏,还是要等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾,孤独地迈向黄泉路?。So odo you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone?

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彼岸花是来生的第一朵花,是黄泉路上的唯一风景。The other shore spends the first flower that is a future life, it is the only landscape on Acheron road.

烧副纸麻将,以免先人在黄泉下无聊,是子孙最后的孝心。Cremating a paper mahjongg set for one's ancestors' amusement in the other world is a final act of filial piety.

严刑之下,阿列克谢命丧黄泉,他本人可能并非死于严刑,而是在冰冷的牢房里冻死的Under torture, Alexis--who probably dies of cold, not of torture, in a very frozen cell-- named Boyar accomplices.

不过,银行业显然不这麽想.在黄泉路上走了一遭之后,不少银行界人士如今都非常惊讶但欣喜地看到整个行业的快速复苏.在政府的援助之下,市场已经企稳.银行的利润--连同它们的股价,双双随之反弹.Markets have stabilized, courtesy of government handouts. Banks' profits -- and their share prices -- have recovered.

作为一名律师,他经常是罪犯走进监狱或者踏上黄泉之前见到的最后一个好人。As a lawyer, half the time he was the last kind-hearted guy a prisoner could meet before going to the jail or the Heaven.

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他们上青天,下黄泉,游走八方,不论遇见什么状况,都能气定神闲地从容应付。He goes around to the heaven, or under the earth, no matter what conditions, he can handle everything at ease and leisure.

另一点疑问是,假如病人手术当天就命归黄泉,那么是否还值得花费人力财力进行这种手术呢?Another question asked was, was it all worth the trouble and money that went into it if at the end of the day the patient died?.

他静静等待着苍蝇落在他左手背上,然后缓缓抬起右手,猛地拍过去,在旁观者的赞叹声中,苍蝇已经“蝇”头落地,命丧黄泉。He waits for the offending insect to settle on his left hand, raises his right and then swats it to gasps of admiration from onlookers.