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但是他的精神并不因这种种不幸而松懈。But his spirit was unstrung by his misfortunes.

幸而天无绝人之路——她的妈妈最终痊愈了。Forgot to say, her mother recovered in the end.

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幸而我只是一个平庸的人。How fortunatedly, I am just an ordinary person.

幸而他只偷了一点东西!And how fortunate that he did nothing but steal!

幸而上帝知道到什么地方去寻找她的灵魂。Fortunately, God knows where to find the soul again.

他虽然懒得不肯动,但是幸而有强壮的脚趾。He is too lazy to move but luckily he has strong toes.

然而,斯特里普告诉我们,这是一部不幸而失败的电影。But Streep told us this was a film about grief and loss.

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幸而变混蛋只是他的暂时症状…Luckily jerkiness is a temporary condition for this guy.

这时秦天也末路了,幸而被沈蔷拉住了。When qin day also, thanks to the end by shen Qiang pulled.

也幸而有他救济,美玲一家的生活还不至于太糟。Also thanks to his relief, mei ling a life doesn't sound too bad.

幸而有一些解决对焦难题的方法。Fortunately there are several solutions to this focusing dilemma.

幸而鄙视红帽子的人也还崇拜红法冠呢。It is lucky that those who despise it in a cap revere it in a hat.

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赛伯亚一贫如洗,为自己无休止的不幸而悲痛地哭泣。Saibya was penniless and wept bitterly at her unending misfortunes.

幸而地球是圆的,我们难以一目千里、看得过远,这其实很好。It is well that the earth is round that we do not see too far ahead.

唐太斯的第一个冲动就是想逃走,但幸而他克制住了。Dantès' first impulse was to escape, but fortunately he did not attempt it.

幸而马德兰先生工厂的大门还象个朋友的面孔。Fortunately, the door of M. Madeleine's factory was like the face of a friend.

据说“至人无梦”。幸而我只是一个平庸的人。It's said that "A divine man has no dreams". Luckly I am only an ordinary man.

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她开始担心了,但幸而不知道这些潜在后果。She was concerned but still blissfully ignorant of the potential ramifications.

雅典的国王爱琴的儿子忒修斯看到人们遭受这样的不幸而深深不安。Athens king Theseus Aegean son to see people suffer such unfortunate deeply upset.

周公仰而思之,夜以继日,幸而得之,常坐以待旦。Week Gongyang thinking, round the clock, fortunately, often sit waiting for the dawn.