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瞧,我现在在思考,所以我存在Here I am.

以大格局来思考。Think big.

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祷告或思考,随你便。Think or pray.

会思考的肉块!Thinking meat!

第六,神奇式思考Magical thinking.

他如何思考问题?How does he think?

我一直在思考那件事。I think about that.

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我们应该怎样思考?How should we think?

热得我都没法思考。It’s too hot to think.

积极思考和行动。Think and Act Positive.

我靠所思考的东西而生存。I exist by what I think.

移动帮助他思考。Moving helped him think.

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她思考那个问题。She brooded the problem.

现在顺着这个逻辑来思考And think of it this way.

学会积极思考。Develop positive thinking.

思考,唱歌We can think. We can sing.

你应该学会思考。You should learn to think.

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你是在用下半身思考。You think with your penis.

感觉型,思考型,或都有?Feelers, Thinkers, or both?

思考空间也许很辽阔。Thinking space may be vast.