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我把它看作是精确的。I see it as accurate.

这很难精确说明。Hard to say precisely.

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但这是一次精确的袭击。But it was a precise raid.

以…来除成为…的精确除数。To be an exact divisor of.

精确测绘犁沟距间。Mapping the furrow exactly.

更精确地说,是豆类。Legumes, to be more precise.

拉波波特是一个讲精确的家伙。But Rapoport is a precise guy.

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动作必须非常精确。The moves must be very precise.

职业表述要精确,不可含混模糊。Be specific, not vague or fuzzy.

项目WAG有多精确?How accurate is the project WAG?

日晷上显示的时间非常精确。A sundial showed very precise time.

他用极为精确的话语发言。He spoke with pluperfect precision.

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精确的双手挥砍动画。Refined two-handed swing animations.

这就是该词精确的定义。That’s exactly what this word means.

布拉莫斯是一种精确打击武器。BrahMos is a precision strike weapon.

这个表计时相当精确。The watch is an excellent timekeeper.

她的整个背线也显得非常精确?Her entire topline is so very correct.

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因此,该模型是不精确的。Therefore, this model is not accurate.

精确到具体的、测量的深度。Accurate to a specific, measured depth.

内容应该是精确的和最新的。Content should be accurate and current.