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他的净值下降。His net worth declines.

按基金净值算!Calculate by fund net value!

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扣去了所有的费用和股息,它就是最终的净值。After all expenses and dividend, this is the final net figure.

在T9资产净值开始工作的权利,从主屏幕上您的电话。T9 Nav starts working right from the home screen of your phone.

招股价下限和每股资产净值相若。The bottom of the range is close to the company's net asset value.

日用品行业的前景更加不明确了,资产净值也是如此。The outlook is bouncier in commodities and for the moment equities.

存货按成本值与可变现净值两者中之较低者入账。Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

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在某一个市场正常阶段,基金净值突然大幅度震荡的。In a normal stage of the market, the Fund net sudden shocks significantly.

在随后的每一个期间都需要对可变现净值作出新的估价。A new assessment is made of net realisable value in each subsequent period.

它的房屋净值贷款业务也很庞大,并且正以令人担忧的速度恶化。It is also big in home-equity loans, which are souring at an alarming rate.

因此应收款不反映预计的可实现净值。The receivables, therefore, are not stated at estimated net realizable value.

在资产负债表日的现行成本与可变现净值两者中较低者。B the lower of current cost at the balance sheet date and net realisable value.

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再者,我将让其他人设法积累9、10或11位数字的净值。Moreover, I will let others try to amass nine, ten or eleven figure net worths.

久期可以衡量债券价格的变化,从而分析债券基金净值的变化。Duration measurable changes in bond prices, the net value of bond funds changes.

毛估值与净值相反,是GDP的“劣词”,他说。Gross, as opposed to net, is “the rogue word” in Gross Domestic Product, he says.

成本净值——以及因此产生的长期公债净增加值——将少得多。The net cost—and hence the net addition to long-term public debt—will be much smaller.

基金表现是按单位资产净值作为比较基础,以港元为计算单位,其股息并作。Fund performance is calculated in HKD on NAV-to-NAV basis with gross dividend reinvested.

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价格增长曾意味着房主可以从房屋净值贷款和信用贷款中取钱。Rising values meant that people could also take out home equity loans and lines of credit.

其结果就是消费者更难申请房屋净值贷款、也更难出售房屋。The result is consumers find it harder to tap home-equity credit lines or sell their houses.

原指望以此过上阔绰的生活,可到头来他只不过是个骗子,而我的资本净值变成了大零蛋。Finally, after all that high living, it comes out he was a fraud and my net worth was bupkes.