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为这一设想的实现添砖加瓦成了一件既快乐又激动人心的事。Contributing to the vision becomes fun and exciting.

我们有不错的基础,但还需要添砖加瓦。We have a good foundation but we need to build on it.

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你会想知道怎样才能给面试的效果添砖加瓦。You want to know how you can grease the process in your favor.

要为这个语言的标准功能添砖加瓦简直是难如登天。Adding to the language's standard functionality was very difficult.

知识是座城宇,人人都应为之添砖加瓦。Knowledge is a city, to the building of which every human being brought a stone.

为国家的三农建设添砖加瓦!Contributes labor and materials for the national three agricultural construction!

他还给他们倒酒喝,为他们的地下报纸和流产的革命添砖加瓦。He served them the wine that fueled their underground newspaper, their aborted revolution.

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拥有一个华丽的梦想是不够的,只有你的每一个脚步来添砖加瓦,才能把它建起来!To have a splendid dream is not enough. It's your every single footstep as a brick that builds it up.

哲学为我们的智能体系添砖加瓦,提升思考力,耐性,发散能力,辩证能力和好奇心。It provides the intellectual building blocks of reason, patience, divergence, dialectic and curiosity.

作为新中国的一名建设者,我们愿意为祖国的城市建设添砖加瓦。As a builder of new China, we are ready for the building blocks of urban construction of the motherland.

许多银行都提供新人储蓄账户,人们可以通过这种形式为新人们婚后的爱巢或者其他梦想添砖加瓦。Scores of banks offer bridal savings accounts, which collect contributions toward dream homes--or other dreams.

希望本项研究的成果能够为马尔萨斯和达尔文的经典学说添砖加瓦。Findings of this research may lend an additional dimension to the classic concepts of Malthusianism and Darwinism.

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事实上,个人是在为政府的资本供应添砖加瓦,使之可以由其所好地投资。The individual, in effect, is financing the provision of capital for the government to invest in whatever it fancies.

公司致力于设计开发具有中国唐装系列风格的休闲服饰,为唐装这一民族瑰宝重放异彩添砖加瓦。We are devoted to design and develop casual wears of Tang Suit Style, to make our contribution to the popularity of Tang Suit.

从而使添丽公司根基更扎实,更具竞争力和发展力,能更好的为美丽事业添砖加瓦。Therefore, we became more competitive on the more solid foundation, and we could better contribute to the cause for the beauty.

Ficly是一个协作式的写作社区,社区成员可以冲破他们作者设置的障碍,为共享的小说作品添砖加瓦。Ficly is a collaborative writing community where members can buck their writer's block and contribute to shared works of fiction.

作为一个小学生,“更快、更高、更强”首先要体现在学习上,在学习上做得更好,学到真本事,长大为祖国建设添砖加瓦。We should do better in our study and when we have mastered the skills, we can do our effort for the constuction of our motherland.

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我确定还有许多我没有考虑到的能够提高电脑性能的建议,请大家随意提出你的看法,为这个列表添砖加瓦。I’m sure I have missed out on lots of performance tweaks, tips, hacks, etc, so feel free to post comments to add to the list! Enjoy!

捍卫和平,熨烫人们社会的人们人在每一天都为建设和平添砖加瓦,也熨烫全人类命令命令命令时艰,为创造叁更加美好的共同未来而命令。Keeping the peace means building it every day, in every society, with every woman and man. It means living together, future for all.

小到异想天开的创作,大到资源回收产业化,世界各地的人们都在以各种各样的方式为环境保护添砖加瓦。Collected here are photographs of various recycling efforts around the world, ranging from small and whimsical to industrial in scale.