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麦当劳的特殊酱料?McDonald's Special Sauce?

我得到了特殊照顾。I have special permission.

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美伊战争是一场特殊的战争。The US-Iraq War is unique.

这座宫殿具有一种特殊的魅力。The palace is beglamoured.

这是一种特殊的洗发剂。This is a special shampoo.

编程语言中每一个关键字都有其特殊的用途。Every keyword has a purpose.

特殊规格另行设计承造。Special design upon request.

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经过一次特殊测试后,他被接受入学。He got in after a special test.

特殊防卫权说。The special defense power said.

他们对特殊标签感到恶心。They were sick of special tags.

这特殊日子在1979年开始。This special day began in 1979.

芭蕾舞是一种特殊的艺术形式。Ballet is a special form of art.

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您有什么特殊技能吗?Have you got any special skills?

在你的生涯外有特殊的己吗?Hay alguien especial en tu vida?

包括特殊的道路基板!Includes special road baseplate!

一次性特殊定制物品?One-off unique item custom made?

同步时的特殊行为。Special behavior during HotSync.

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它们还有特殊的象征意义。They also have special meanings.

我能解决什么特殊的问题?What special problem do I solve?

女人特殊忧悲廉价货。Women especially love a bargain.