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墓葬东壁还有一条斜坡墓道。There is an inclined passage in the east of tomb.

很多学者都认为,在先秦的多墓道墓葬中,墓道越多的墓葬规格也越高。Most scholars think that, the more tomb passages, the higher grade of the tombs.

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砖铺墓道是目前全国已发表六朝墓葬资料中罕见的实例。The brick-layed funeral pathway was the rare example of all Six Dynasties tombs.

前面的空间介于墓室和墓道之间,是个狭长的三角形。The space of front lies among the last home room and the last home way, is a long triangle.

其中M20为斜坡墓道土洞墓,出土随葬器物主要有铜器和铁器。Of the tombs, the one coded M20is a catacomb led to by a ramp. The funerary objects include mainly bronze and iron ones.

较大型墓葬均为多室砖墓,有长墓道和高大的砖砌照墙。The large tombs are invariably of a multi-chambered brick structure equipped with a long tomb passage and a tall brick facade.

该墓由墓道、甬道、前室及后室组成,由于曾被盗,仅在墓上封土中清理出一件陶虎子,以及墓中残存的三块画像石。The tomb, consisting of a passage, a front chamber and a rear chamber, was left with only one urine pot and three relieves after being looted.

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从夏商至秦汉时期,坡形墓道的使用存在着一个不断“下嫁”的过程。During the period of Xia and Shang Dynasties, Qin and Han Dynasties, the use of this tomb passage had gradually changed from the nobility to the commons.

符神左手所持非刀,而是符的示意图。符是墓主赵令达身前所佩,死后特置于墓道。符图的主要文字是“已鬼”即止鬼义。What the Magic figure holds in its left hand is not a knife but a diagram of charm that the dead Zhao Lingda wore during his lifetime and was deposited in the tomb passage after his death.

此墓曾遭盗窃,在相关部门展开近两年的工作后,于2002年挖掘完毕,清理出彩绘壁画326平方米,分布于墓道、甬道、墓室三个主要部分以及过洞和天井处。The tomb had been stolen, after two years work of mining, in 2002, cleared out 326 square meters' painted murals, they distribute in the ramp, corridor, the tomb room, the through holes and patio.