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哪一个君王不过是外强中干的空架子?Who is this king, but a king of air?

可是我觉得我现在是“外强中干”。But I am "outwardly strong and inwardly weak".

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外强中干。也许一个人看起来很可怕,事实上,不见得如此。His bark is worse than his bite. Maybe a person appears to be dangerous, but in reality, they are not.

分析师认为,该计划在短期内将是外强中干的.In the short-run, the plan's substance will be less important than the appearance it creates, analysts said.

从绝望的城市走进绝望的乡村,你得表现出一种外强中干的勇敢之态,来勉强安慰自己。From the desperate city you go into desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats.

他对3,500名士兵说,他们将制止在伊拉克的持续的暴力事件以及平息阿富汗的叛乱,因为敌人是外强中干的。He told 3, 500 soldiers that they will overcome persistent violence in Iraq and insurgency in Afghanistan because the enemy is vulnerable.

如果他只是看起来这么自信,有趣,外表很男人,实际上外强中干,是个不安全的逊脚,却硬装成一个猛男呢?What if he only SEEMS to be this confident, funny, manly- man on the outside, but he's actually a push- over WUSS-BAG that is insecure and makes up for it by acting like a tough guy?

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而从小接受的无产阶级革命教育也告诉我们,主人向来都是外强中干,真有点像这个虚胖浮肿的奴隶。And the proletarian revolution education that we received from childhood also tells us that the master is always strong outside, but weak inside. It is really a bit like this false-fat slaves.

三名小打小闹的少年犯安格尔、戴维斯和布奇被关进一所惩教中心,负责他们的是一名外强中干的管理员,很快三名少年就要在成为受害者还是施暴者之间做出抉择。Directed by Kim Chapiron. With Adam Butcher, Shane Kippel, Mateo Morales, Slim Twig. Three juvenile delinquents arrive at a correctional center and are put under the care of an experienced guard.

欧洲列强的军事力量早已外强中干,当前的经济危机正迫使欧洲国家——尤其是英国——进一步削减自己的武装力量。Europe has already become a rather hollow military power, and the current economic crisis is going to force European states-and especially the United Kingdom -- to cut those capabilities even more.