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公交车现在都是自动验票了。Buses check tickets automatically now.

请告诉我我们在哪儿验票好吗?Could you please tell me where we show our tickets?

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上火车前先在进站口的验票处出示你的车票。Show your ticket at the barrier before you board the train.

当我到验票处时,火车刚进站。As I reached the ticket barrier, the train was just drawing in.

在出站口,您要把车票交给验票员查看。At the exit, you are required to give it to the ticket- checker.

而且,我相信我们会尊重验票的结果。Also, we believe that we will respect the results of the recount.

将车票插入验票口绿色箭头上方的进票插口。Insert your ticket into slot located above the green arrow on the fare gate.

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提前一小时开始验票入场,请接受安全检查。Entrance permit began one hour ahead of time, and please accept security check.

乘车券必须放在验票槽,过了旋转闸之后才可上月台乘车。You must put a token in a slot which allows you to pass through a turnstile onto the platform.

我在想,这种没有验票的做法目前在中国是行不通的。That is not blindfold worship of foreign things but learn from what is best in foreign countries.

在进入场馆之前,我们要经过几道验票手续以及同机场类似的安检。We had to go through several ticket controls and an airport-type security check to enter the arena.

如果验票结果是你们赢了,那你们是否会改口说这场选举其实是公平的?If there is a recount, and you're found to have won, are you going to decide that the election was fair?

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⑤在验票口处预留的缓冲区域可根据推算相对应的出口的人流量获得合适的大小和尺寸。The proper size of buffer zone in front of the tollgate can be acquired by predicted the number of passengers.

观众参观全程需验票四次,请保持票面清洁平整。The visitors need to be quartic tickets checking during an entire journey, Please keep the face clean and smooth.

别忘记在通过验票口之后拿取自己的车票,你到目的地站后还需要用它出站。Don’t forget to retrieve your ticket as you pass through the gate as you will need to use it to exit at your destination.

我们希望月台上的那些验票员和列车另一边窗户旁的乘客们用羡慕的眼光看着我们!We wanted the conductors on the platform and the countless pairs of eyes on the other side of the train windows to look at us with envy.

验票人员放入未购票者造成保安工作的压力和经济纠纷。Fourth, economic dissension and pressure on public security will increase in the case of spectators without tickets sneaking in illegally.

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对于实在吃不准真假的车票,旅客们还可借助退票窗的验票机,或者请工作人员帮忙“验明正身。For it is not sure true or false tickets, passengers can also help refund the ticket windows machine, or ask staff for help, "positively identified".

提供此项新服务的八台验票机已安装就位,预计在八月第二周左右投入使用。Eight ticket checking machines that offer this new service have already been installed and are expected to be put to use around the second week of August.

在这趟旅程中,海格在地铁验票口给卡住,后来他在车厢里编织一件黄色的大东西,还挤进了对他来说过小的椅子,因而吸引了很多麻瓜的注意。On this trip, Hagrid got stuck in the ticket barrier and drew attention from the Muggles for knitting a huge yellow something or other, crammed into a seat much too small for him.