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现在你知道什么叫勤工俭学了吧?Now you know what workstudy means?

他打算靠勤工俭学读完大学。He planned to work his way through college.

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留法勤工俭学运动对社会主义在中国传播中的作用和影响。The movement's status and effect on the dissemination of socialism in China.

“我们明显看到学生接受勤工俭学工作的程度在增加”。"We are definitely seeing an increase in student acceptance" of work-study jobs. Ms.

当然,我会考虑在适当的时候从事勤工俭学的工作。Of course, I also will do some part-time jobs through working during the proper time.

询问校经济援助办公室关于奖学金,助学金,勤工俭学和贷款的情况。Ask the school's financial-aid office about scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and loans.

学生用勤工俭学的收入缴纳学习费用和生活费用。Students pay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program.

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其它收费昂贵的学校纷纷效仿,取消了贷款,发放助学金和勤工俭学补助。And other exclusive schools have followed their lead by replacing loans with grants and work-study aid.

重点论述了勤工俭学对图书馆发展的特殊意义。This paper discusses on the special significance of the work-study programme on libraries" development."

但学习时间的减少,无论发生在勤工俭学的学生身上还是没有工作的学生身上,都是一样清晰可见的。But the study time decline is clearly visible both for students who work for pay while in school and for those who don’t.

留法勤工俭学运动是中国近代史上的一件大事,是一个有着广泛而深远影响的运动。The work-for-study movement in France is a major issue with extensive and far-reaching influence in China's modern history.

积极参与学校勤工俭学等活动,还有自己到校外投身相关专业兼职工作。Actively participate in school activities such as work-study, as well as their own to join the relevant professional school part-time work.

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有些雇主愿意资助继续教育的费用,提供学费援助甚至勤工俭学的工作或实习机会。Some employers are willing to subsidize continuing education credits, provide tuition assistance or even work-study programs or internships.

发轫于20世纪初的留法勤工俭学运动,伴随“五四”运动的开展达到其高潮,衰落于1925年左右。The movement of work-study-in France began at the dawn of the 20th century and came into its booming during the 1919 Movement, ended about 1925.

第五部分是结语,分析和总结留法勤工俭学运动的历史作用及对我们的启示。Part 5, as the conclusion of this Paper, analyses and summarizes the historical effect of this Movement as well as the enlightenment valuable to us.

很多大学生以勤工俭学的方式支付学业和日常生活方面的费用,减轻家庭的经济负担。A lot of college students take part-time jobs to cover the expense for their study and daily life and to lessen the financial burden on their families.

学院为生活困难学生提供奖学金、贷款助学、勤工俭学、特殊补贴和减免部分学费等助学措施。We aid students who have economic difficulties paying tuitions with scholarships, loans, work-study programs, special subsidies and partly reduction of tuitions.

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在近代留法勤工俭学运动期间,作为海外大学试验之一的里昂中法大学的创立成为当时极为引人注目的焦点。As an overseas experiment, Institut Franco-Chinoise de Lyon once attracted much attention from the public during the process of modern foreign schooling in France.

这支负责过滤“不良”信息并积极从党的立场进行话题辩论的队伍,是由大学勤工俭学基金资助的。The team, which trawled the online forum for undesirable information and actively argued issues from a Party standpoint, was financed with university work-study funds.

救济手段多种多样,包括分发借读、经济上救济、勤工俭学及举办大学先修班、专修班等。There are varieties of relief means, including distribution, economic relief, and work-study program and organizing classes specializing in the pre-university classes.