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他全家靠他养活。His family depend on him.

他还有一大家子人要养活,他不可能走开啊。He had a big family to feed.

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该飞镖不能养活自己。The dart cannot feed itself.

她要养活一大家子人。She has a large family to feed.

你要自己养活自己。you having to provide for yourself.

而且我通过这些养活自己。and I get to earn a living out of it.

他太穷无法养活家人。He is too poor to maintain his family.

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这个人要养活一大家子人。The man has a large family to support.

可你养活不起,这怪谁呢?But you can't feed her, who's to blame.

不仅需要支付账单,房屋贷款,医疗保险……还要养活5岁的儿子,所有的负担都压在她一个人身上。Bills, house payments, health insurance.

但是我的妻子和女儿们还靠我养活。But my wife and daughters depended on me.

多年以来他一直靠着父母养活。He sponged off his family for many years.

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这点水足够养活一个新生儿40天。That's enough to last a new-born 40 days.

多诺万先生得养活一大家子人。Mr. Donovan has to support a large family.

王叔叔得供给家里衣食,养活家口。Uncle Wang has to food and clothes his family.

他的工资够养活三口人。His wages are adequate to support three people.

养活全家是他的责任。It lies upon him to keep the whole family alive.

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马尔科里尼先生说,他关心环境,但是,他还要养活一家人。Mr. Marcolini says he cares about the environment.

精通一行的人可以养家糊口,样样精通的人却不能养活自己。The master of several trades cannot support himself.

珍贵的花草不易养活,看着一棵好花生病欲死是件难过的事。And I feel bad to see a good flower dying of illness.