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休整一下,再赶上去。Take a pause and catch up.

这就是“爱情空窗休整期”。This is called "boytox period".

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星期天我们休整一天,打扫卫生,还小结了一下。On Sunday we rested, cleaned up, reflected.

生活在继续。偶尔每个人都需要停下来休整一下。Life happens. Everyone needs a break from time-to-time.

在非睡觉时间而你的孩子又想睡的话,让他们睡,这时你休整的机会来了。Your child is sleepy, but it is not nap time. Let them sleep.

他是位爱争论的人,无论休整都不愿想当然。He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted.

上周的回调是短期的休整还是反弹的结束?Last week, the callback is a break or short-term rebound in the end?

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休整之后,我们就要对背叛大英帝国的美国人进行最后的致命一击。Once rested, we shall strike a final blow to the treasonous Yankees.

我们在南版主的吊家湾朋友家午餐休整。In the home of Webmaster Nan Tian Ma's friend, we had the lunch break.

大家吃喝得珍珍有味,豪华地休整了一个多钟头。We had a beautiful lunch and luxury lunch break of more than one hour.

火烈鸟聚集在希腊南部拉夫普里欧新基奥斯的沿岸,休整觅食。Flamingos gather on the coast of Nea Kios, in Nafplio, southern Greece.

梅威瑟以及他的团队都说,这次休整其实是依照医生的指令进行的。Mayweather and his team say the layoff was just what the doctor ordered.

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这些插件将在休整好之后被更新和发布。ZBrush plugins will be updated for ZBrush 3 and released when available.

我们可以休整这条认知准确性的来绕过这个问题。We could revise the Epistemic Accuracy Theory to get around this problem.

你不可能强行军100英里,然后指望部队不休整就立刻开始进攻!You can't cart them off 100 miles then expect them to attack without rest.

一艘布拉佛斯商船在从翡翠海的归途中在潘托斯休整。A Braavosi trading galley called at Pentos on her way back from the Jade Sea.

野田组鬼子则窜到镇外魏大娘家休整,等待鹤子的消息。Noda Chokiko went to the town of Wei home to rest, waiting for news of the crane.

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车队将在四个赛段循环进行比赛,而其间只会在卡洛斯帕兹有一次休整的机会。Crews will negotiate two loops of four stages split by a service halt in Carlos Paz.

各自休整,这些受伤的花盆都是以前牛牛和爱悠的“战果”呦,会出现更多吧?Have a rest, these broken flowerpots are the "result" from Niuniu & Aiu, would be more?

无论我们大脑多么强大,它们都需要会休整时间一保持活力。No matter how powerful our brains are, they need recuperation time to be kept in shape.