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你忍心蜗居在不到10平米的小屋里吗?Do you have the heart to live in a 10-square-meter room?

蜗居在我在的城市——我的小小的城市,我了解我除了观望、观望,什么都不能做…In my city- the small city, I no I can do nothing but watching.

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不过,蜗居在这里也有一些令张琪感到不习惯的地方。However, living in the capsule has taken some getting used to for Zhang.

一个月3450元的工资,在北京我可能连蜗居就买不到。With a 3, 450 yuan monthly salary, I cannot even afford a doghouse in Beijing.

奢谈在像我们这样的蜗居里举行晚会是多么荒唐呀!How absurd it is to talk of giving a party in such a nutshell of a house as ours!

看上去,戴海飞已经将蜗居发展到了一种新的境界!It seems Haifei has taken the trend of living in tiny spaces to a whole new level.

虽然蜗居在BC妇女医院的一件小储藏室中,母乳银行却有着繁忙的业务。Housed in a tiny storeroom at BC Women’s Hospital, the milk bank is a hive of activity.

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在都灵,有人睡在大街上,蜗居在地下室格子间。And that in Turin there are people who sleep on the pavements, over warm cellar gratings.

为了立足我努力工作,蜗居于狭小的公寓,吃了许多速食面。I worked really hard to gain my footing, living in tiny apartments and eating a lot of ramen.

他已成家。他和新女主人热情接待了她,就在他们曾经蜗居的小屋内。He had got married. He and the new hostess hospitably received her in the cabin they ever lived.

对于软体动物来说,当他们离开曾经蜗居的表皮之后,这种清洗和拂拭是非常必要的。A wash and brush-up is not superfluous when one leaves the tub in which the Mollusc has been treated.

达赖喇嘛蜗居在遥远的印度山城达兰萨拉,但是他对达旺地区有着巨大的影响力。From his home in the distant Indian hill town of Dharamsala, he wields enormous influence over Tawang.

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据中新社报道,随着天气日渐寒冷,上海的宅男宅女开始“蜗居”,下班回家后即过上外卖生活。Many Shanghai residents choose to stay at home and live a "delivery life" as the weather becomes colder.

那么,就让我们来看看这款美好蜗居是根据哪几个新式法则打造出来的吧。So, letting us see this happiness humble abode is according to which a few new- style law is made come out.

俄然,弟弟从房间跑啦出来把电视频道,转到看“蜗居”电视剧地频道。Suddenly, the younger brother from the room ran out of the TV channels, go to see "small flat" TV channels.

他所能给海藻的丰裕的物质生活,除此之外,他只能把海藻“蜗居”在一个豪宅里,过着清寂的日子。What he could give Haizhao was life of abundant materials. He had to render her live in a grand house lonely.

每到三月底,奇迹就会突然出现,就连我蜗居的那片破落的贫民窟也仿佛在一夜之间变得和蔼可亲。Suddenly, towards the end of March, the miracle happens and the decaying slum in which I live is transfigured.

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两夫妻一个月9000块钱的收入,只能让他们蜗居在大都市不起眼的角落里。The couples earned a living of 9000 RMB every year that could only allow them to rent a small room in the city.

在忙碌的工作生活中我们再不断寻觅自己的“蜗居”爱旅家·以服务至上的态度帮您寻找…In a busy work life, we then continue to find their own "hom, Love trip home to service-oriented approach to help you find."

外埠人蜗居正在这个乡市的边沿,狭州原地人则居住正在市外口。Non-natives and people from other parts of Guangdong live on the edge of the city, while Guangzhou natives live in the centre.