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但是这是库萨克的拮据时期。But these are lean times for Cusack.

可是以往的生活并不拮据。But previously, it was with unstinted means.

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在经济拮据的一年,我父母曾用绳状藤来代替圣诞树。One penurious year my parents used a swiss cheese plant.

所以在经济拮据时期,如何为奥运会做预算呢?So how do you budget for the Olympics during lean times?

也许他想试试在社保局的帮助下,能寻找到一个以时计薪的工作,来缓解经济拮据的状态。He might try to get some kind of hourly job to help make ends meet.

一些学生的家庭拮据供不起孩子上大学。Some students' families are too poor to send their children to college.

他们经济很拮据,甚至付不出杂货店的欠帐。They were so hard pressed that they couldn't even pay the grocery bill.

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你的伴侣对此怎么想?这样做不会经济拮据吧?What does your partner think about this and can you manage financially?

在商与周两地穷困潦倒,生活拮据。During staying in the state of Shang and Zhou, he was destitute down and out.

另一方面,我从未感到生活拮据,我也不奢求很多东西。On the other hand, I never felt deprived, I didn’t want for much of anything.

对于手头拮据的年轻伙计来说,捐精看起来美好的不真实。To a young guy with not much money, sperm donation seems too good to be true.

我的病情一年比一年差,而我们的日子也越来越拮据。With each passing year, my disease got worse and our life got more constricted.

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而事实是,世界上大多数人并不富裕,他们的食物消费还很拮据。But most people in the world are not affluent, and their food budgets are limited.

像百万其他人一样,施耐德说,两口子“感觉经济拮据。”Like millions of others, Silides said, the couple was "feeling the economic pinch."

50年代的英国,有一段时间都因为二次世界大战而变得穷困拮据。And the 1950's, in the UK, there was a period of great post-World War Two austerity.

我本来可以给她去个电话的,但我没有贸然行事,这也是因为我当时手头拮据。I could have called, but I didn’t want to intrude, and also at the time I was broke.

随着出口逐渐下降,低成本制造业公司尤其感到手头拮据。As exports drop off, low-cost manufacturing companies are particularly feeling the pinch.

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他还供认自己因经济拮据曾犯下约10起类似盗窃案。He also confessed he had committed about 10 similar thefts because of financial problems.

在这拮据的时期,路易威登、卡地亚表和宾利汽车这些奢侈品要做好过冬的准备了。Louis Vuitton, Cartier and Bentley should perhaps be bracing themselves for leaner times.

而通常在1月份才开始的冬季促销活动对圣诞节疯狂购物之后手头拮据的购物者来说已为时过晚。The winter sales, usually in January, came too late for cash-strapped Christmas shoppers.