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你来了我的送礼会吗?Did you come to my shower?

新生儿送礼会是女人家的事。Baby showers are for women.

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我们为什么要给赛维莉娅送礼?。Why are we giving gifts to Servilia?

在节日里,我们很少送礼。We rarely give gifts during festivals.

一个真正的送礼人,一只靴子。A real live giver, could have been a boot.

欢迎来到瘾科技的假日送礼指南!Welcome to the Engadget Holiday Gift Guide!

我真希望这些送礼建议更实在一些。I wish these gift ideas would be more honest.

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送礼不当可能会使你惹祸上身。Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.

我们约会那会儿我是一个像样的送礼专家。I was a decent gift giver when we were dating.

在中国,当着送礼人打开礼物是不妥之举。There are many taboos in sending gifts in China.

都没时间办订婚晚会或者新娘送礼会。No time for an engagement party or bridal shower.

明明想弃养自己的宠物,却还像送礼一样地要兽医感谢他。Gives away his pet, waiting the vet thanks for it.

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和我们的有些不同。送礼又该怎样呢?A little different from ours. What about gift-giving?

职员给领导送礼是为深化私情。Gifts to the staff of leadership is to deepen Siqing.

第二,做一个大方的送礼人。Second, consider becoming a more generous gift-giver.

送礼是一种原始的人类行为,它使我们联系在一起。Gift giving is a primitive human behavior—it binds us.

礼物的涵义是送礼对者你的象征性的表达。Gifts meaning is a symbolic expression of it sender to you.

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我们一般不在送礼人面前打开或者评论礼物。It's our custom to unwrap a present in the donor's presence.

我们的习俗是在送礼人面前打开礼品。It’s our custom to unwrap a present in the donor’s presence.

尼古拉斯因经常给穷人送礼而广受赞誉。Nicholas became famous for gift-giving, usually to the poor.