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他被传唤出庭作证。He was summoned as a witness.

他被传唤到庭。He's subpoenaed to go to the court.

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他被法庭传唤出庭。He was summonsed to appear in court.

阿尔瓦雷斯尚未被法庭传唤作证。Mr. Alvarez has not yet been called to testify.

我被传唤去为一个案件作证。I have been subpoenaed to testify in a court case.

因此,多数民众赞成林站在这里传唤人这样做。Thats why Im standing here to summon people do it.

用传票传唤证人参加审判。The witnesses were subpoenaed to attend the trial.

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本票由被传唤人携带来院报到。The summoned should report to the court with his summons.

他们被传唤到垂死的父亲的床边。They were summoned to the bed-side of their dying father.

人民法院会贴出告示传唤被告。People court can stick an annunciate subpoena the accused.

地方政府法官传唤婴宁出庭。The district judge summoned Yinling to appear in the court.

辩护人因传唤法官而被判藐视法庭。The advocate was held in contempt for subpoenaing the judge.

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原被告双方也能传唤专家和品德证人。The parties can alsocall in experts and character witnesses.

目前已经拘留19个嫌疑人,传唤78人。At present already detained 19 suspects, subpoenas 78 people.

原告传了17个证人,8号法案的守卫者则传唤了2个。The plaintiffs called seventeen, the defenders of Prop. 8 two.

公诉人然后开始庭审的最关键部分,即传唤证人。Then the prosecutor begins the most critical part of the trial.

在这个学年里,学区传唤了400多名学生家长。The school district cited more than 400 parents this school year.

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候诊室里坐着一位忧心忡忡的病人,当医生传唤他时A much worried patient walked into doctor's office asking for help

由于在街上停车,司机被警察传唤了。The driver was written up for he had parked his car in the street.

对于当场发现的违反治安管理的人,可以口头传唤。A person discovered committing an offense may be summoned verbally.