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他受到这些指控仍处之泰然。He remained unruffled by the charges.

当你对死亡处之泰然,你才能对生命处之泰然。Until you are free to die, you are not free to live.

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她在危急关头总是很冷静镇定,处之泰然。She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.

但海丝特早就应该对这种不公乎处之泰然了。But Hester ought long ago to have done with this injustice.

并非所有德国政治人物面对这样的攻击,都能处之泰然。Not all German politicians have managed to take such assaults in their stride.

教师之所以处之泰然,是因为学生个人在教师的生活中并不会有太大影响。Tempers can stay even because individual students do not have very much power over teachers' lives.

不过,在日益加剧的谨慎气氛之下,新加坡两大主权投资机构似乎仍处之泰然。In tiny Singapore, however, two big sovereign investors appear unfazed amid the growing sense of caution.

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佩林没有全国性的政治经验,作为州长也只有不到两年,但是她本人却处之泰然。Palin has no national experience and less than two years experience as governor, but she is unabashed about that.

他抱着乐观的人生哲学,因而在任何情况下他都能处之泰然,随遇而安。He had a cheerful philosophy of life that enabled him, come storm or shine, to make the best of things as they were.

诺曼不守规矩,因此作为处罚,他母亲不让他去郊游,但他却处之泰然。Norman had misbehaved and, as a punishment, his mother wouldn't let him go on the outing, but he took it on the jaw.

那是一个很恼人的夏天——非常热,还有很多虫子到处飞来飞去,但她处之泰然,坐着弹一把原音吉他。And it’s a very buzzy summer’s day – hot, lots of little insects in the air, and she was just sittin’, playing with an acoustic.

不管生活里发生什么,我都可以处之泰然,因为我最重要的事都井然有序,一切都一目了然。No matter what happens in life, I know that I’ll be okay because my priorities are in order, with “stuff” at the bottom of the list.

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谷歌的命运是这个世界即将到来的信号,我们越早开始意识到这个世界将会被中国驱动,我们就能越能处之泰然。Google's fate is a sign of the world to come, and the sooner we come to appreciate the nature of a world run by China, the better we will be able to deal with it.

而且也就从这一刻开始,爱德华开始领会到卡莱尔在鲜血面前是如何处之泰然的。I've written this part of the story from Edward's perspective, and it is at this moment that Edward starts to grasp how Carlisle is able to handle being around blood.