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你知道英语单词的构词法吗?Do you know word formation in English words?

按汉语构词法创造新词对译西方术语。Creating new words according to Chinese way of word formation.

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英语构词法是英语学习中的重要方法之一。Word-formation is one of the important methods of English learning.

在构词法中,语素被分为词根,词干,词基和词缀。In word-formation , morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.

用更多的例子帮助学生加深对构词法知识的印象,并为下一环节做好准备。Show students more examples of derivatives to impress them with the knowledge of word formation.

第三章从句法构词法角度对比和分析了汉韩复合名词内部的结构。Chapter three offers an inspection of the internal structure of Chinese and Korean compound nouns.

根据构词法特点,可以分类为词缀借词、复合法借词和仿借合成词。In terms of word-formation, they can be borrowed by means of affixation, compounding and blending.

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第二章对英汉语的构词法进行了细致的对比和分析。In the second chapter, we compare and contrast all most word-formation between English and Chinese.

记忆单词是学习英语的一大难题,而构词法是解决这一难题的好办法。Remembering words is a hard problem in English study and word-formation is a good resolution to it.

运用你对词干和构词法的认识,你可以猜一下生词的含义。Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word.

构词法也是现代蒙古语词法部分的重要内容,学习和研究蒙古语语法,不能不涉及构词法。Word-formation is also an important area in the studies of the morphology of the modern Mongolian language.

英语词汇增加的历史特点是大量地借用外来词和通过构词法构成新词。The history of English lexical expansion is one that is characterized with heavy borrowing and word formation.

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在研究英语词汇学时,关于词的形态结构和构词法的几个专业术语常常会困扰人们。In studying English Lexicology , the terms about the morphological structure and word-formation often confuse us.

结论学习构词法,利用词素分析对于识别医学新词汇颇有帮助。Coining of new word is infrequent. Conclusion Word elements analysis avails to recognize the new words in medical science.

现代英语构词呈现多样性,其中类比构词法受到越来越多的关注和应用。Modern word-formations are of diversity, among which the analogy word-formation has gained wide acceptance and application.

在研究三种主要构词法之前,需要熟悉英语构词方面的一些基本定义。Before we turn our eyes to these three major processes, we have to get ourselves familiar with some basic word-building definitions.

本文运用对比法和举例法研究现代汉蒙语言构词法的异同。The author will study the similarities and differences between the word-formation in Chinese and Mongolian by the approach of comparison.

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在构词法上,单音词演变为复音词,以合成词为主且偏正式最多。In terms of word formation, it involved the transformation of monosyllable to disyllable words, with more compounds and modified compounds.

掌握一些构词法知识,可以大大地增加自身的词汇量。英语构词法主要有以下三种情况。Have some knowledge of word-building, can greatly increase their vocabulary. English word-building mainly in the following three conditions.

在英汉语言的众多构词法中,谐音构词法起到不可替代的奇妙的作用并得到了越来越多人们的喜爱。Among all kinds of word-buildings, the homophonic one is popular with many people, which has wonderful effect on the vogue Chinese and English.