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我觉得这部电影太缠绵了。I found the film far too saccharine.

让那种爬行的人不断跟“衰老”缠绵。Let him who crawls enamour'd of decay.

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事实上,每晚的缠绵确实起到了作用。And indeed, the nightly trysts did help.

作为女人,她也有情意缠绵,柔情似水的一面。As a woman, she is as sweet as honey too.

希腊男人被认为有点“过于缠绵”。Greek men were said to be a bit too soppy.

缠绵的春雨,是淡泊明志的人生佳境。Thee lingering rain, is a nirvana of life.

三月的阳光很好,温暖而缠绵。Sunshine in March is really nice. Warm and sirke.

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探讨温病湿热证病邪易滞留气分,缠绵难愈的病理机制。To explore the mechanism of fever in damp- heat syndrome.

爱与恨的缠绵,痛与悲的纠葛,我们之间的离愁。Love and hate love, pain and sorrow of the dispute, we do.

然而,这一段悱恻缠绵的爱情故事。But, this segment of touching love story laden with sorrow.

抵死缠绵最终逃不过一场流光。The deadly streamer finally cannot escape being a lingering.

漆黑的影子平静得像死人嘴里缠绵的情话。The pitch dark shadows silent as lovewords from dead mouths.

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她虽是缠绵病榻的人,但对生活依然抱乐观态度。Though a bedridden invalid, she remains optimistic about life.

还没为你把红豆熬成缠绵的伤口。If only the jequirity had been boiled to produce lingering wounds.

在过去的日子,我们有365次的床上缠绵,结果有36次我认为是成功的,平均每十天有一次完美性爱。During the past year I have attempted tomake love to you 365 times.

她对两个男子都怀有缠绵不绝的怜惜之情,有谁会为此而谴责她呢?Who would condemn her for a constant flow of pity towards both males?

如果你喜欢云雨缠绵在那午夜的海角沙丘之上。If you likejmaking love at midnight, in Network the dunes of the cape.

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他身患痼疾,常年缠绵病榻。He's bedridden throughout the year with a lingering, obstinate disease.

一如风中的蝴蝶,那花瓣的卷舒,诉说着,我的缠绵。A butterfly in the wind, and that the volume petals Shu , tell, my love.

三月的微风,温婉缠绵,踮脚旋舞。March breeze, gentle touching, Hing Wah Street West foot Spinning Dance.