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只可意会,不可言传,这就是女人!Women were meant to be loved, not to be understood.

友谊的表达方式是只可意会,不可言传的。The language of friendship is not words but meanings.

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我现在的情形是只可意会,不可言传的。It is rather to be thought of than expressed what was now my condition.

在二语习得中,语感这一概念可谓“可意会不可言传”。The concept of language sense is ' understandable yet indescribable in SLA.

素描要有变化、发展、其魅力所在也是不可言传的。The sketch has to have variety, development, its magic power place is also can't speech spread.

他被提到乐园里去,听到了不可言传的话,是人不能说出的。That he was caught up into paradise, and heard secret words, which it is not granted to man to utter.

我每天生命的最真实收获,也仿佛朝霞暮霭那样地不可捉摸,不可言传。The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening.

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音乐从来未如此渗透我的心灵,抚慰和充实我的心灵——从未如此显示它唤醒灵魂的力量,它的不可言传。Never did music more sink into and soothe and fill me_ never so prove its soul- rousing power, its impossibility of statement.

简单的说,反语是词面与语义之间的隔阂,这个空间在讲者与听众之间可形成一种只可意会不可言传的交流。Irony, put simply, is a gap between words and their meaning, a space across which speaker and listener exchange a knowing wink.

音乐从未如此渗透我的心灵,抚慰和充实我的心灵--从未如此显示它唤醒灵魂的力量,它的不可言传。Never did music more sink into and soothe and fill me --never so prove its soul--rousing power, its impossibility of statement.

此刻,又觉得月光,如一首缠绵悱恻的爱情诗,朦胧中透着不可言传的美。At this moment, we feel that the moonlight, like the first love poem full of pathos, hazy in the United States shows unspeakable.

这只可会意,不可言传,因为当你确信某事正确时,其实它就是你内心深处根深蒂固的感觉,你发现了自己的归宿。It's hard to explain because when you know something is right, it's just a deep-rooted feeling inside of you that you found home.

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浪漫的爱情,因人而异,柔情万种,只能意会,不可言传。The romantic love, is different from person to person, the tender feelings ten thousand kinds, can only get an idea, cannot explain.

这为人类只可意会、不可言传的差异留下了发展空间。这种差异激发出伟大的文学、艺术和我们的生活,使之成为一个整体。That leaves room for an unmeasured but discernible human difference, a difference that inspires great literature, art, and our lives as a whole.

但人的心灵深处本来就充满着这样一些不可言传的隐秘古怪的念头。I explain myself badly, and it is not a sensation I could expect anyone save Laura to understand, but of such incommunicable quirks is the private mind made up.

默会知识是基于长期经验积累形成的、不能系统阐述或者“只可意会不可言传”的高度个人化的知识。Tacit knowledge is the highly individual knowledge that has accumulated a wealth of experience and can't make a systematic exposition, that is, can be sensed, but not explained in words.

现代知识理论从一个侧面揭示了知识的个人性、境域性及在一定程度上的不可言传性,进一步说明了教师实践性智慧在教师专业成长中的重要性。Modern knowledge reveals that knowledge is personal, regional, and unable to be explained in words, which further demonstrates the importance of practical wisdom in teachers professional development.