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此卡应存案备查。This card should be kept on file for reference.

用人单位应当建立职工名册备查。It shall set up a roll of workers for reference.

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把所有的价格表存档,以便今后备查。Keep all the price lists on file for future reference.

把全豹的价钱表存档,以便今后备查。日常生活英语。Keep most of the price lists on file for future reference.

把所有的价钱表存档,以便今后备查。Keep every one of the price lists on file for future reference.

检验结束后,我中心将留存部分样品备查。The Testing center will preservers some samples for future reference.

请妥善保存相关资料,以供本院应主管机关要求备查。Please keep relevant information for future reference in case of need.

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语音评论一起保存备查个人图像文件。Voice comments are saved along with individual images for future reference.

开标过程应当记录,并存档备查。Minutes shall be kept of the bid opening procedures and be filed for future reference.

所有线缆记录在整个担保期间都应当存档备查。All cable records in the entire warranty period should be archived for future reference.

检验结束后,我中心将留存部分样品备查。When testing is over, the testing center will preserve some samples for future reference.

开标过程应当记录,并存档备查。Records on the bid opening shall be made and shall be placed on files for future reference.

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这些人的违规行为将被保存在一个招聘的数据库中以便将来备查。Details of their offences would also be kept on a recruitment database, for future reference.

将银行汇票上登记的事项最好全部计下来备查。The matter that will register on bank draft is best and whole plan come down for future reference.

您可以剪切该文件夹,压缩其余的内容,随后将其粘贴回去备查。You can cut this folder, zip rest of the contents, and later paste it back in for future reference.

其中规定包括各种相关文件的完整性和档案资料存档备查。One of these requirements includes the completion and storage of certain documentation for our own records.

所有安全带的检查必须存档备查,检查日期可用帖纸标注在安全带上。All harnesses inspection shall be documented and a dated inspection sticker shall be attached to the harness.

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同时核对产品标识、数量和记录及相关文件归档备查。Meanwhile, verify the product labeling, quantity and records, and file relevant documents for future reference.

第二十二条税务机关对用票单位和个人提供的财务印章和发票专用章的印模应留存备查。The form and use method of the "special invoice seal" shall be determined by provincial- level tax authorities.

核准后本申请表请送回人事室,以便登录及存档备查。Please return the ratified application form back to the Personnel Office for file registration and verification.