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煤气通过管道输送到各家各户。Gas is piped to all the houses.

这些管道将水输送到城镇。These pipes carry water to the town.

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太阳能热水经管道输送,为室内供暖。Piped solar-heated water heats the house.

结构合理,能长距离输送物料。Suitable for long distance transporation.

一跟管将他身上的血液输送到她的身体里。A tube carried blood from his arm to hers.

在电网输送过程中造成了较大的无功功率缺额。Then it leads to lots of reactive shortage.

然后,血液又经由血管从阴蒂输送出来。Veins then carry blood out of the clitoris.

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电网,是指电厂的电力输送系统。The utility-owned power distribution system.

配置化工级专用输送喉管、安全、耐用。Chemical class-specific pipes, safe, durable.

冷空气通过管道输送进来而暖空气则被输送出去。Cool air is piped in and warm air is piped out.

列印与复印文件会以印面朝上的方式输送。Copies and prints are delivered here facing up.

各输送工艺链网、网带。The transport process chain network, mesh belt.

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搬运,运输在用船桨推动的船只内输送。To convey in a watercraft propelled by paddles.

回转式自动输送料台。Turn type automatic transport material platfrom.

电网是指电厂的电力输送系统。Grid The utility-owned power distribution system.

各类型输送网带、钢带。Different types of feed net strip and steel strip.

检查空调输送管是否有适当的隔开。Check air-conditioning ducts for proper insulation.

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所以说,我们正在把我们的坏毛病输送到全世界。So, we are our bad habits transported to the world.

采用链条式轮送,串烧可直接放置在链条上输送烘烤。You can put the baking stuff on the chain conveyer.

防止输送线发生交叉,或使用遮护板。Avoid crossovers of conveyor belts or use shielding.