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我们全家和所有的亲戚都来参加祖父的八十岁寿宴。All our family came to our grandfather's eightieth birthday party.

这时候,中方总要为他举办寿宴,周恩来总理也会参加。On these occasions he was given a dinner in his honour and Premier Zhou Enlai would attend.

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他在伯恩斯坦的五十大寿宴会上发明了一种规则复杂的游戏,叫做“寻找伟大指挥”。He invented an elaborate game for Leonard Bernstein's 50th Birthday called The Great Conductor Hunt.

专业接待各类型喜宴、生日宴、乔迁宴、弥月宴、婚宴、寿宴等宴席自助餐。Providing professional reception for different types of banquets like birthday feast, wedding banquet, buffet and so on.

在另外一位皇室成员——女王伊丽莎白二世80岁的寿宴上,蛋挞也被作为甜点款待宾客。Another Royal, Queen Elizabeth the II was also served custard tart as the dessert for her recent 80th birthday celebration.

并热情为阁下策划和预订商务宴客、公司庆宴、喜筵寿宴,是极具吸引力的饮食天地。And your passion for planning and booking banquet business, the company-feast, enjoying birthday, is an attractive diet world.

吴影要在牛德彩五十岁寿宴那天杀了宫本来证明自己的清白,柳婵把这件事告诉了白三。In the fifty Decai Wuying cattle birthday day to kill Miyamoto Ku to prove his innocence, Liu Chan told the story of white three.

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清代名宴还包括蒙古亲藩宴、廷臣宴、万寿宴、千叟宴、九白宴。Feast of the Qing Dynasty also includes pro-Mongolia fan feast, feast Tingchen, million birthday feast, feast Minds 1000, nine white feast.

宾馆餐厅豪华、气派、风情各异,可同时容纳580人用餐,承办大型喜寿宴及会议用餐。Hotel Restaurant luxury, style, different style, which can accommodate 580 people dining, and conference host large-scale hi birthday dinner.

小嘉及家强见状,便出钱包起整个寿宴的支出,以让木荣在一众亲戚面前立威。Small fine and strong family said, a wallet on the birthday of the expenditure, to let a wooden glory in front of all the relatives to bully.

当丁村的大妈们正忙着为一场寿宴精心制作花馍的时候,黄土高原上的窑洞里飘来了阵阵面香。When the women in the Ding Village are busy preparing a birthday feast, a fragrance of flour floats out from a cave house on the loess plateau.

其酒楼环境优雅,内设包厢,可承包大型婚宴、寿宴、团体会议的用餐,可以满足不同消费者的要求。Its elegant restaurant environment, features box, can be contracted large wedding, Shouyan, groups of the meal, to meet the demands of different consumers.

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剪纸是一项广受人们喜爱的民间艺术。无论日常生活、各种节日还是婚宴、寿宴等重要场合,人们都喜欢用剪纸来装点环境,烘托气氛。Paper-cut is very popular among the Chinese people, who like to use paper-cuts to decorate their rooms and add more festivity to the special day such as weddings, birthday, etc.

位于酒店三层的颐和宴会厅,是目前沈阳市最大的无柱式多功能宴会厅,可容纳会议客人1200位,婚宴、寿宴等55桌宴席。Summer Palace Grand Ballroom locates on the 3rd floor is the largest hall without pillars in Shenyang. It has a conference capacity of 1200 persons and banquet capacity of 55 tables.

在她63岁生日时,佛经终于印完了。她邀请她所有的亲戚朋友再来参加她的寿宴,这一次,她送给他们每人一本经书。The Sutra was ready just in time for her 63rd birthday, so she invited all her friends and relatives to another birthday party, and this time, she gave every one of them a copy of the Lotus Sutra.