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把你的练习本编上页码。Number the pages of your exercise book.

抱歉,名录页码实在太多了I'm sorry there's so many pages of people.

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他把页码写在底角。He numbered the pages in the bottom corner.

打印材料时,我会先标上页码和预览后才打印。I can paginate , preview and print my work.

如此一来,固定的书页和页码就不复存在了。There are no fixed pages or page numbers anymore.

从页码顶上往下数第3行中有个印错的字。There is a misprint in line 3 from the top of the page.

打印减去指定数目的页码。P-number Prints the page number minus the specified number.

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同时添加一个分页的功能,让用户可以五条五条地浏览,并在页面的顶部或底部添加页码。Add pagination so a user can read the feed 5 items at a time.

纸上标着页码、箭头还有注解和手绘的天体图。Pages of numbers, of arrows and notes and hand-drawn star maps.

这些稿纸全乱了,你能替我按页码把它们排好吗?These pages are all out of order, will you page them up for me?

是否需要配备文本字段以便用户可以跳转到某个页码?Should you have a text field so users can jump to a page number?

内存不足,无法重编页码或打印文档。There is not enough memory to repaginate or print this document.

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它将全文呈现在同一页面,而不显示页码链接。It presents the full text on one page, without the pagination links.

要显示条目所位于的页面,请单击页码。To display the page where the entry is located, click the page number.

在问题边上写下答案所在的页码,以便在必要时查看答案。Note the page number beside it so you can check your answers if necessary.

将你的报告格式化,这样页码就会出现在每页的顶部。Format your report so that the page number appears at the top of each page.

在拼版后的书页加上顺序页码的情况。Pagination the numbering of the make-up pages in consecutive order of a book.

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可能你根本没有真正的使用过一本字典,或是你还要标注页码。Perhaps you have never really used a library, or you have had to write footnotes.

正文及插图,包括书眉和页码,在书页内所占的面积。Area occupied by text and illustration on a page, including running head and folio.

在这些图中,每个页码中的实线阴影边框表示的是十六进制数。In the figures, the solid shaded borders in each code page indicate hexadecimal numbers.