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艺术却被当局封杀、钳口。And art made tongue-tied by authority.

那么,这种审查封杀了什么呢?So what did this censorship amount to?

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满文军仍任形象大使,该封杀还是救赎?As Man Wenjun still acts as image ambassador, should he be blocked or saved?

知道谁是当年被宋美龄封杀的好莱坞中国女星吗?Did you know which famous star that was forced out by Songmeiling in those years?

在他最新专辑收录的12首歌曲中,有九首被缅甸军政府审查机构所封杀。His most recent album saw nine of 12 songs banned by Myanmar's army-run censorship board.

假如你的网站被百度降权了或者封杀了,你该怎么办?If your website was fallen to counterpoised to perhaps be banned by Baidu, how should you do?

开始实行专利制度对于新经济来说无疑于用绳索来封杀它。Starting a patent system was like providing the young economy with enough rope to hang itself.

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现在有一种声音很强烈,就是要封杀您,对此你做何评价?Now has a kind of voice very mightiness, be want force-out you, to this you do what evaluation?

当打击者打短打,我-身为一位好补手。我将把他封杀在一垒。Now, when he bunts the ball, me, being a good catcher, I'm gonna throw the guy out at first base.

中共也并非封杀信仰,反而是尊重宗教信仰,只不过提倡无神论。By banning on Falun Gong, CCP aims to respect religious belief even though it advocates antitheism.

另外我还有一个疑问,手机版抓虾是否会成为中国移动封杀的目标呢?Furthermore, I have a question. Will mobile version of Zhuaxia become the force-out by China mobile?

一些人认为,为了鼓励宽容,政府必须封杀煽动仇恨的观点。Some take the view that, to encourage tolerance, some hateful ideas must be silenced by governments.

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投手突然回身投向二垒手,于是在二垒上将对方封杀出局。The pitch turned around suddenly and threw to the second baseman to pick the runner off second base.

还有比在众目睽睽下的封杀,在和谐大度的奥运精神下的封杀更可耻的麽?What is more shameful than this public boycott in the name of the harmonious spirit of the Olympics?

我们发现了一款全新的免费应用程序,只需轻轻一点,就能将那些机器人和不良用户彻底封杀。We've just found a new, completely free app that will zap those bots and bad users in just one click.

不过,后来证明,我的错误无关大局,因为无论是什么样的医疗保健改革,鲍勃.多尔都将决定予以封杀。As it turned out, my error didn’t matter, because Bob Dole would decide to kill any health-care reform.

报道中一味追求的封杀与审查是建立在对问题错误理解的基础之上。The report's addiction to banning and censoring is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the problem.

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当然,P把美国成年人给吓坏了,报纸发表对他不利的言论,电视网封杀他。Of course Presley horrified adult America. Newspapers editorialized against him, and TV networks banned him.

维尔斯说,工程技术人员决定通过在井口位置注入水泥来完成静态封杀程序。Wells said engineers may decide to finish the static kill operation by pumping cement into the top of the well.

如果保安局封杀教会,我会行使公民抗命,他们可以拘捕我。But if the Security Bureau shuts down the church, then I would opt for civil disobedience and they can arrest me.