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旧式的品牌管理就是上令下行、闭门造车、办公室政治加上编造预算。Brand management was top down, internally focused, political and money based.

做各种规划或计划,是绝不可以坐在家里凭空想像、闭门造车的。A variety of planning or plan to do is sit at home must not be imagined, behind closed doors.

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做学问要学以致用,能将知识转化效益,闭门造车是没有出路的。"Making cars behind closed doors" is just acting blindly by divorcing oneself from reality, there is no way out.

反对漫无边际,杜绝闭门造车,最适合的才是最好的,用心重组每一个元素,用心做好每一个项目。Against the open-ended, stop behind closed doors, the most suitable is the best, carefully re-each element, each a project intentions.

这完全是闭门造车的做法,过着如同与世隔绝的生活,更别谈和其他的一些音乐家进行交流了。It's a completely individualistic approach to music-making, requiring hours of isolation and limited interaction with other musicians.

然而研究不能“闭门造车”,尤其是在新课程改革的背景之下,还需要参考一些外来的成熟经验。But a research can't act blindly, especially in the background of new curriculum reform, need to reference some maturity experience from outside.

在我看来,汉字演变,由繁至简是一种必然,但并不意味着是那些所谓精英们的闭门造车。In my opinion, the development of the characters from complex to simple is inevitable, but it does not mean that so-called elites make cars behind the closed door.

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这里有没有闭门造车,而最重要的是,互联网为我们提供了一个空间挤满了人谁热衷于沟通,并分享产品和经验。Here there were no closed doors and, most importantly , Internet offered us a space full of people who are eager to communicate, and to share products and experiences.

我花了很多时间参观其它公司,和其它公司的人进行交流,努力不让自己闭门造车,不让自己失去转变的优势。I spend a lot of time, ah, visiting and talking to people from other companies to try to make sure that we’re not insular, that we’re not losing a cutting-edge of change.

比完全闭门造车好得多的做法是,对现有的模型进行分析,在团队开始抽象设计阶段前了解已经开发的内容。Much better than reinventing the wheel, it's useful to look at some existing models and see what has been developed before the team moves on to the high-level design phase.

过份强调市场份额而无视缺点的做法最终只能使汽车零部件行业原地踏步,因为企业在得不到有效的方法之前也只能根据有限的途径闭门造车。Over-emphasize shortcomings and ignore market share of auto parts industry will only make, because companies piaffe without effective methods in before the way only limited otherwise.

文件一出,不少开发商立即群起而攻之,直至上书有关部门,公开指责121号文是闭门造车搞“一刀切”。Document one out, many developers immediately rallied to attack until written to the relevant departments, the public is behind closed doors, accusing 121 of engaging in "broad-brush".