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你甭想花言巧语来骗我。You don't want to sweet-talk me.

不要对我花言巧语。Don't give me some cooked-up yarn!

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别听他的花言巧语!Don't listen to any of his blarney!

他以花言巧语骗取了那小孩的玩具。He cajoled the toys out of the child.

花言巧语的家伙,火柴人,窝囊废。A flimflam man, matchstick man, loser.

只有傻瓜才会相信你的花言巧语。Only a fool will believe your blarney.

只有傻瓜才会相信你那花言巧语的欺骗。Only a fool will believe your cajolery.

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女孩旳花言巧语迩信了么。The girl did you believe blandishments.

那个骗子专门用花言巧语骗走老太太们的存款。Soft-soaping old ladies out of their savings.

希拉聪明过人,不会相信特德的花言巧语。Sheila was too clever to believe Ted's flattery.

她花言巧语地骗他多付了一天钱。She managed to wheedle an extra day's pay out of him.

他花言巧语地哄着他姑姑,想从她那儿弄些钱。He toadies to his aunt, hoping to gain some of her money.

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他们跟老板说好话,想要加工资。一个人会花言巧语也可以说是。They tried to sweet-talk the boss into giving them raises.

他耍了个手腕儿花言巧语地从父亲那里得到了钱。He wheedled money from his father with considerable finesse.

不要相信那些走家串户的生意人的花言巧语。Don't fall for the fair words of the door to door businessmen.

头两周使人兴奋的花言巧语让我们忙个不休。The heady rhetoric of the first two weeks carried us all along.

这个推销员用花言巧语哄我买了这部新款手机。The salesman sweet talked me into buying the newest cell phone.

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这仍然是在反对那些无中生有、混淆黑白的花言巧语。This means I oppose fabrication, deception and flowery language.

可是都是被她的一些花言巧语,而我的心又软弱下来。But is by hers some honeyed words, but my heart is also weak down.

如果时间可以从来,我一定选择不相信你的花言巧语。If time can never, I will choose not to believe your blandishments.