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学校食堂里挤满了人。The cafeteria was packed.

大多数学生在校吃食堂。Most of the students eat in.

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好啊,我吃腻了自助食堂。Sure. I'm bored of the Cafeteria.

窗外,新宿舍,庆北大学食堂。View from the window of my new dorm.

在学校食堂吃怎么样?。What about at the school dining-room?

命令部队快步向部队食堂行进。Double-time the troops to the mess hall.

我不喜欢学校食堂?I don’t like the student canteen on campus.

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瞧!这是我们的学生食堂,它既大又干净。Students can eat in the school dining-room.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。Subsidized canteen is one of staff benefits.

凭用餐代金券在太阳村食堂就餐。Meals are only provided with voucher payment.

中毒场所以工厂食堂为主。Poisoning places to factory canteens oriented.

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食堂为各个班的工人准备了热莱,热饭。The dining hall serves hot meals for all shifts.

通常,诺克斯先生在食堂吃晚饭。Usually, Mr. Knox had his supper at the canteen.

有人建议我们开一家郊区自助食堂。It was suggested that we open a suburban automat.

放学后,很多学生拥进食堂。Many students swarm into the canteen after class.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。E. g. Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.

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职工食堂在正午12点至下午2点时供给午餐。The canteen serves meals between 12 noon and 2 pm.

到头来他会背井离乡,在自助食堂里洗碗碟。He'd end up an exile washing dishes at the automat.

终于,在那天晚上,我在食堂发现了盖茨。I finally spotted her in the dining hall that night.