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不要把你的想法强加于人。Don't force your views on others.

不要将你的观点强加于人。Don't obtrude your ideas upon others.

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她老是把自己的兴趣强加于人。She's always pushing her own interests.

不宜强加于人。You should not force your view on others.

她总爱把自己的意见强加于人。She always obtruded her opinions upon others.

我们不想把自己的思想意识强加于人。We do not aim to impose our ideas on other people.

这是平衡的本质所在——它不能单方面强加于人。That’s the nature of balance —it can’t be unilaterally imposed.

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这正是我们决不尝试将自己的观点强加于人的原因。That is why we must never aim to impose our own views on others.

本周,不要把你的想法强加于人,也不要试图改变你的恋人。Do not push your opinions or try to reform your emotional partner this week.

我们明白,任何长期的增长战略都不能自上而下强加于人。We understand that no long-term strategy for growth can be imposed from above.

当然,我也并不认为我应该把自己的选择强加于人。I do not feel, however, that I have any business imposing my choices on others.

我也曾像所有遁世者那样,把自己那套幻想强加于人。Thus, once on a time, did I also cast my fancy beyond man, like all backworldsmen.

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这些形容词都适用于将体力或精神的繁重考验强加于人的事物。These adjectives all apply to what imposes a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength.

要等到人们毫无疑问地认识到不能把一项解决方案强加于人时,我们才参加谈判。We would not talk until there was no longer any doubt that no settlement could be imposed.

但暴政被强加于人民头上,正如奥巴马正在做的,人民感到痛苦和悲伤”。But where tyranny is enforced upon the people, as Barack Obama is doing, the people suffer and mourn.

中国发展了,仍将坚持平等待人,绝不把自己的意志强加于人。A more developed China will continue to treat others as equals and will never impose its own will on others.

小说由此揭示出历史会被男性按照自己的需要改写、重构并强加于人。The novel indicates that history can be adapted, reconstructed and even imposed on others by the dominant group.

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世界上的事情应由各国平等协商解决,任何国家都不应将自己的意志强加于人。The world issues should be settled through equal consultations. No country should impose its own will upon others.

我们都不相信强加于人的道德枷锁,因此我们能坦诚分享自己最黑暗的秘密而从不互相评判。We both don't believe in imposed moral standards, so we share our darkest secrets and not being judgemental on each other.

再者,此类的协助不可能强加于人,因此如果亡者并不想要领受,也不会影响到他。Furthermore, such help cannot be forced onto someone, so if a deceased being does not want it, it will not affect the being.