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万般无奈,我们只好把非送回中国。We had no choice but to bring him back to China.

有所谓「千金难买早知道,万般无奈想不到!」There is the so-called " priceless knew, not helpless!"

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万般无奈,陈勇军只好把王莉接回家治疗。Helplessly, Chen had to took her back home to receive treatment.

他万般无奈,决定设法跑上楼,通知房主。Desperately, he decided to try to run upstairs and warn the family.

万般无奈之下,在卡债到期的前一天,郑涛拨通了妈妈的电话。Just a day before his card payment was due, he dialed his mom's number.

万般无奈之下,这名旅客只好放弃行程。Have no alternative under, this passenger is forced to abandon the journey.

让受害明星们万般无奈的是,就算起诉这家公司,它所造成的损害也已经无法挽回了。How sad is that? Even if they try to sue the company, the damage has been done.

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万般无奈,萨拉只好帮助X-23毁掉FACILITY并且杀掉桑德尔。With no other recourse, Sarah helped X-23 destroy the Facility and kill Zander.

万般无奈之下,母亲只好打碎了这个价值不菲的古董花瓶。In this emergency, mother had no choice but to break this unpredictable expensive curio vase.

陈浩万般无奈来到过街天桥卖唱,挣房租和生活费。Chen Hao has no alternative come to overpass sing for a living, make chummage and living cost.

他会逃学并离家出走好几天不见踪影,令监护人他的祖父万般无奈。He would skip school and run away from home for days, frustrating his grandfather, who oversaw the boy's care.

我突然感到一阵内疚,万般无奈地承认自己去了剧院,承认自己迟到的真正原因。A rush of guilt ran through me as I feebly confessed to my trip to the movie theater and the real reason for my lateness.

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穆沙拉夫坚持下去的希望已经很渺茫,他可以通过哄骗或者贿赂国会中的政客来对抗弹劾,也可以在法庭上挑战弹劾案,万般无奈的时候他至少还可以行使总统权力来宣布国家进入紧急状态。He could try to fight impeachment in parliament, by cajoling venal politicians there. He could challenge it in the courts.

爸爸又在拿中考说事,我只好万般无奈的看了一眼“灰太狼”,马上调转频道。Dad said I had to take in the senior high school entrance examination, helpless look at "grey wolf", immediately turned the channel.

但是德国首相默克尔坚持称,这是希腊难以在金融市场筹集资金时才能采取的万般无奈之举。But Chancellor Merkel insisted on tough conditions, Greece would only get help as a last resort if it can no longer borrow from financial market.

中秋、十一假期将至,很多人面临“一票难求”的情况,万般无奈之下,有些人开始向黄牛党求助。With the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day approaching, many people facing difficulties buying a ticket home have no choices but to turn to scalpers for help.

例如,在二战围攻列宁格勒时,那些憔悴的市民吃过城里的鸟类、狗和老鼠,在万般无奈之下,最终发生了同类相食的惨剧。During the terrible siege of Leningrad in World War II, for example, emaciated citizens, having eaten all the birds, dogs and rats in the city, finally resorted to feasting on their own kind.