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是否要开立多货币帐户?Do you wish to open Multi-Currency Account?

我想开立一个新加坡元的账户。I’d like to open a Singapore dollar account.

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顺便问一句,您几时开立信用证呢?When do I have to open the letter of credit?

所收到的货物一经核实好即开立信用证。Once received goods are checked credit is issued.

请在发货单开立之日起60开以内付款。Payment is due within 60 days of the invoice date.

同时以即将成立的公司名义代表客户开立银行账户。The bank account belong to the corporated company.

将单位的资金以个人名义开立帐户存储的。Opening of a private account for the funds of a unit.

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医生为他诊脉并开立药方。The doctor felt his pulse and gave him a prescription.

请见信后即告你方在开立信用证上究竟有何困难。Please inform us your difficulty in opening the credit.

我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in USA.

用空邮或电报开立信用证均可。It do not matter whether you airmail or cable the credit.

开立信用证还要缴纳银论说续费。There will be bank charges in connection with the credit.

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我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in U.S.A.

我在哪里开立个人退休帐户有关系吗?Does it matter where I open an individual retirement account?

我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用状。I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in U. S. A.

我们要开立一英语口语培训张以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票。We'll draw a sight bill in flavor of the Export Bank Singapore.

那就要一张以储户名字开立的定期存单。You'll have a deposit certificate in the name of the depositor.

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即便那样,开立信用证还是要支付银行手续费。AStill, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit.

累计发生三次以上开立空头支票的客户。Customers who issue dishonored cheques for more than three times.

imputere来自拉丁语,putere意为开立账目。Imputere was from Latin and putere meant to settle up an account.