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因此该系统是研制液压凿岩机的重要辅助手段。Therefore this system is a effective means for developing a hydraulic rock drill.

提出了设计手持式液压凿岩机的目标函数。A target function for design of hydraulic hand drills is brought forward in this paper.

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温德拉破碎玻璃的嚎叫声经测量为105分贝——几乎如一个轻型凿岩机的声音差不多大了。Vendera's glass-breaking wail registered at 105 decibels—almost as loud as a jackhammer.

本文对无阀型气动凿岩机进行多目标优化。This paper presents the mult- goal optimal design of the valveless pneumatic rock-drilling.

利用阻抗消声原理为气动凿岩机设计了一种新型的消声罩。This paper designed a new type of muffler for pneumatic rock drill with the theory of impedance.

从而,得出了凿岩机内部过程的动力曲线及其性能参数。Consequently the dynamic curve and the performance parameters of the pneumatic drill are obtained.

以凿岩机、钎杆、钎头及岩石作为一个整体系统进行了细致的研究。In this article, Rock Drill, Drill Steel, Bit and Rock have been carefully studied as a whole system.

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探讨了一种实现基于个体的双臂凿岩机器人离散、随机任务合作规划的方法。A method was studied to realize the discrete and random task planning of a drilling robot with two booms.

分析了液压凿岩机配油阀的主要能量损失,给出了其计算表达式。Leading energy loss of the flow valve in hydraulic rock drill was analyzed and its formula was presented.

在空载和凿岩条件下,对这两类气动凿岩机的振动特性作了研究。The vibration characters of both types of rock drifters under noload and drifting operations are studied.

机械系统用来工作的系统或装置,如汽车或手持式凿岩机,包括其动力源和辅助设备。A system or device for doing work, as an automobile or a jackhammer, together with its power source and auxiliary equipment.

最后,以本文提供的理论与方法,设计出了一台新型无阀气动独立回转凿岩机。Finally, based on the theories and methods presented, a new independently-rotated valveless pneumatic rock drill was designed.

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然而,燃烧这些燃料产生气体,是为风动凿岩机提供动力的一种好方法。However, burns these fuels to produce the gas, is provides the power for the compressed-air driven rock drill one good method.

最后利用该方法对液压凿岩机进行性能评价,验证了该方法的正确性。At last, the performance evaluation of hydraulic drill machine is applied to validate the correctness of the proposed algorithm.

研究了液压凿岩机活塞与缸体间隙密封段的局部温升和能量损失,建立了其数学模型。Local temperature rising and energy loss in sealing gap between piston and hole was analyzed and its mathematic model was set up.

用设计中提出的总目标函数,可评价气动凿岩机性能的优劣。Advantages and disadvantages of non-valve pneumatic rock driller can be judged through the chief aim function put forward in my design.

分配了CAN总线智能节点及其功能,设计了适合于凿岩机器人实时性要求的CAN总线用户协议。Assigns functions of intelligent nodes, and designs the CAN-bus user protocol for real time demand of rock drilling robot control system.

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电动凿岩机冲击机构因其受力过程比较复杂,至今尚无一套可行的计算方法。Since the process of colliding mechanism of electric rock drill is complex, there isn′t a set of calculating method practically still now.

本文介绍了YYG系列液压凿岩机的工作原理,结构特征以及生产应用取得的结果。In this paper the operating principle, structural features and applications in production of YYG series of hydraulic drills will be described.

多关节凿岩机械手在工作时,完成的是一个在一定工作面上随机的钻孔孔序任务,其孔序规划相当复杂。The bore sequence of every working face is random to the multi joint rock drilling manipulator, so the bore task planning is very complicated.