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那只是一朵昙花呢?That is just a night-blooming flower?

约而能攀,昙花阐明。And about to climb, Tan Hua explained.

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昙花,这是一种多美的花呀!Epiphyllum , which is a more beautiful flower ah!

我的朋友到来,送我这个美丽的昙花。My friend came by and gave me this beautiful epiphyllum.

我想要昙花永不凋谢,开在温暖春天!I want to Epiphyllum never fade, open in the warm spring!

这些胡言乱语的文字,它们只是指尖开出的昙花。These words of nonsense, are only the night-blooming cereus.

当你来美国,我们可一起享用美味的昙花果实。When you come to the US, we will enjoy the epi fruit together.

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6我想要昙花永不凋谢,开在温暖春天!I want to Epiphyllum never wither, opened in the warmth of spring!

但是在这所有的花里我最难忘记的是盛夏的昙花。But the one that I remember most is night-blooming cereus in summer.

人海中娇颜幽幽浮现,湿漉漉黑枝昙花片片。Apparition of these faces in the crowd. Petals on a wet, black, bough.

不管是流行还是昙花,它们都品尝了幸福的滋味。Epiphyllum whether or popular, they are tasting the taste of happiness.

他希望,自己的努力能超越那些昙花一谢的歌曲范畴。Hopefully, his hard work transcends the realm of short-lived disposable ditties.

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她的美艳是短暂的,但又不像昙花那样转瞬而逝,让你来不及看清她。Her beauty is fleeting, but unlike Epiphyllum that flash dies, you could see her.

如同泥土下掩盖着的生生不息的昙花种子倔强的成长着。The stubborn dirt like Epiphyllum seed life and growth in nature belies a growth.

按照佛教的传说,转轮王出世。昙花才能生长出来,极力形容昙花难得出现。According to a Buddhist legend, the plant blooms only on the birth of divine kings.

这些胡言乱语的文字,它们只是指尖开出的昙花。These nonsense letter, they are only the night-blooming cereus blossom from the fingertip.

她把目光投向不远处那座静悄悄的,漆黑一片的二层阁楼昙花阁。She throws vision to not distance that is quietness, the 2 F attic Tan flower Ge of utter gloom one.

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力宏的抱负当然是崇高的。他希望,自己的努力能超越那些昙花一谢的歌曲范畴。Noble are his ambitions indeed. Hopefully, his hard work transcends the realm of short-lived disposable ditties.

今年的昙花又要开了,我是一定要看的,好让疲惫的双眼看到昙花一现的绝美。This year's Epiphyllum again opened, and I definitely want to see, so tired eyes to see a short-lived beautiful.

即使是乍现的昙花也曾肆意的绽放过,即使是瞬息的流星也曾尽情的燃烧过。Even Zhaxian of the blooming Epiphyllum have wantonly, even if the meteor is rapidly have too much of the combustion.