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天与地在同声讴歌。Bnd Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.

讴歌战争、船长和国王To sing of wars, of captains, and of kings

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他们把它叫作贝加尔海。并为之讴歌吟颂。They call it the baikal sea and sing songs about it.

雷克萨斯和讴歌作为高档品牌首先登陆美国市场。Both Lexus and Acura were started as premium brands in the US.

其次,硅谷极积鼓励甚至讴歌开拓冒险行为。Secondly, it actively encourages, or even exalts, risk-taking.

主要内容是对母爱、童真及大自然的讴歌。Main content is the motherly love, innocence and the nature of the Acura.

繁荣—是对今天嘉定百业兴旺的热情讴歌。Prosperity----to be aware of rapid booming economic development in Jiading.

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这是被迫感应技术在讴歌历史上首次应用。This is the first application of forced induction technology in Acura history.

上升的风险起因于受惊的资金凑集者对评估的讴歌。The rising risk arises from the surprised fund raiser' s praise of the appraisal.

我愿意用我最深沉的爱讴歌生育我抚养我的广阔土地。I would like to use my deepest love I raise my Acura birth vast stretches of land.

哦,我要赞美人生,我要讴歌宇宙的奇伟瑰丽!Oh, how I shall praise life and how I shall marvel at the wonders of the universe!

讴歌我们的历史,有盘古开天辟地的神话,迸发出生命的光芒。Eulogizes our history, has the Pan Gu epoch-making myth, bursts out the life the ray.

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但是当机构提高了他的检测标准时,讴歌却没办法跟上脚步。But as the institute has strengthened its ratings, Acura hasn’t been able to keep pace.

这是一个礼赞祖国,讴歌时代,振奋民心,展示国威的红色十月。This is a praise of the motherland, Acura times, encouraging people to show Paul Red October.

这类作品讴歌大自然,以牧歌的形式颠覆了以社会阶层为特征的城市文明。They are celebrations of nature and pastoral subversions of class-oriented, urban civilization.

水里的游鱼是默默的,海洋上的兽类是闹热强烈热闹繁华的,地面的飞鸟是讴歌着的。The fish in the water is silent the animal on the earth is noisy the bird in the air is singing.

在这些有钱人看来,你存在的价值在于给他们的生活或事业锦上添花,或干脆对此大力讴歌,总之你是绝对不能质疑它们的。In their view, you are there to improve or compliment their life or business, not challenge them.

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英国的陪审制度曾经被资产阶级法学家热情讴歌,现在却走向没落。The jury system that used to be greatly praised by bourgeois jurists in England, is now declining.

伊东孝绅这个月末就将迎来58岁生日,他本人是一位知名的底盘工程师,研发了讴歌NSX等车型的底盘。Ito, who turns 58 later this month, is best known as a chassis engineer on cars like the Acura NSX.

因为诗歌,即使在北方最严寒的冬夜,我也能讴歌复苏,那就是温暖。Because of poetry, even in the chilliest winter night, I could still eulogize and revive, so that was warmth.