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轻轻地流啊,甜美的埃弗顿河,不要惊扰她的好梦。Flow gently, sweet Afton , disturb not her dream.

假如这么一小小的意外也惊扰了贵国的话。If a little accident like this perturbs your country.

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老板一到,惊扰了他餐后假寐。His postprandial nap was disturbed by the arrival of the boss.

墙摇地动,我们在睡眠里受了惊扰。The earth shook, the walls rocked, and it troubled us in our sleep.

不敢高声语啊!怕惊扰了前朝学子的读书梦。No loud talking to disturb the dream of the students of the old time.

今天早上这个宁静的吉普赛聚居地受到了巨大的惊扰。This morning a great disturbance invaded the peaceful gypsy settlement.

在未受惊扰的条件下,石鳖会把它椭圆形的身体弓起一部分以方便呼吸。When left alone, a chiton will lift part of its oval-shaped body to breathe.

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幼虫很活跃,遇惊扰即扭动、倒退、翻滚落下,或吐丝下垂。Larvae are active, that is disturbed when twisting, back, roll down, or droop silking.

正值夏季,室内酷热,刚刚发生的惊扰所带来的恐惧还浮悬在空气中。It was summer. The fear left by the recent drama hung in the air of the overheated room.

多么希望就此停止了,多么希望不再惊扰,平平静静的就好了,而我知道,这又是我一厢情愿的想法。How to stop, how do not want to alarm, peace and good, but I know, it is my wishful thinking.

可预见到的是这惊扰了欧洲每个人,以及逐步影响世界的经济秩序。It is that prospect that spooks everyone else in the EU, and the world economic order generally.

这个计划正分割岛民且,惊扰了野生动物和自然遗产保护论者。The scheme is dividing islanders and causing alarm among wildlife and heritage conservationists.

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由于翅膀无法承受它们本身的重量,有时候,它们会在丛林中横冲直撞,惊扰其他的生物。Too heavy for their wings, they sometimes crashed through the trees and frightened other animals.

突然他的眼睛眨巴了一下,仿佛看到了什么撩乱或惊扰他眸子的东西似的。Suddenly his eye gave a blink, as if it had met something that either dazzled or shocked its pupil.

泉流声空灵地响着,似乎怕惊扰了当年百花仙子的幽梦。Fountain sound vacant land rang and seems afraid to scare the year 100 beautiful faery super-charged dream.

我经常因为某些本该24x7运作的系统宕机,而在半夜三点受到惊扰。I've often been the one to get woken up at three in the morning when some supposedly 24x7 system goes down.

二是谢绝参观,既可防止生人惊扰,还可减少疾病传播。Two is to decline a visit, since can keep stranger from trouble, return can decrease disease dissemination.

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尽管美洲驼们努力专心吃草、不问世事,但似乎还是被络绎不绝的游客给惊扰了。Even the llamas trying to eat grass and mind their own business seemed irritated by the volumes of tourists.

这样可以最低限度的减少对野生动物的惊扰,并保证它们能自如的饮到水。This will minimize disturbance to wildlife and ensure that animals have access to their precious drinking water.

刘备怕惊扰他,就和关羽、张飞一直站在外面的石阶上等着,一直等到他醒来。Liu Bei was afraid to disturb him and had been waiting on the stone steps out of the door till Zhuge Liang woke up.