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她们居住在集体宿舍,通常是上下铺铁床。They sleep in communal bedrooms, often in bunk beds.

他有一张铁床架,并宣称这张铁床架适合所有人。He had an iron bedstead , which he boasted was fit for everyone.

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手帕蒙眼睛,护目镜固定,铁床的边栏上挂着一副手铐。To the side rail of the metal bed I fastened a pair of handcuffs.

最后他站起身来,把衣服一脱,爬到铁床上。He Finally got up and, throwing off his clothes, climbed into his iron cot.

我上楼进了自己的房间,可笑地锁上门,仰面躺在小铁床上。I went up to my bedroom. Absurd though the gesture was, I closed and locked the door.

很多年前,她自己做的,放在客房再合适不过了。那张旧铁床是我们住在芝加哥时买的。She had it made for herself many years ago, and it fits the style of our guest room very well.

Watts太太独自坐在,一张白色的铁床上,用一把很大的剪刀,剪自己的脚趾甲。Mrs. Watts was sitting alone in a white iron bed cutting her toenails with a large pair of scissors.

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失血,疼痛和那张冰冷的铁床令她直打冷战。The loss of blood, the pain, and the cold metal of the gurney chilled her and she started to shiver.

徐说,大部分时间他都被关在房子里,躺在一张放着绿色床垫的铁床上。Mr. Xu said he spent most of the time locked in his room, lying on a thin green mattress on a iron bed.

是传统铁床、不锈钢床和普通玻璃钢床的升级换代产品。It is a upgrading of product for traditional iron bed, stainless steel bed and ordinary glass steel bed.

这是一间空荡荡的、没有任何装饰的小屋,只有一个旧衣柜、一把木椅子和一张铁床。It was a small bare room with nothing in it except an old wardrobe, a wooden chair, and an iron bedstead.

在含硫酸盐高浓度有机废水浸泡铁刨花的静态试验的基础上,进行了“铁床”处理高浓度糖厂生产废水的动态试验。The dynamic test to sugar producing wastewater with the process of"iron bed"was made on the base of static test.

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车尾绑著一张铁床、椅子和桌子,上面还有一箱芦花鸡On the back of it, an iron bed and a chair and table were tied, and on top of them a crate of Barred Rock chickens.

车尾绑著一张铁床、椅子和桌子,上面还有一箱芦花鸡,“On the back of it, an iron bed and a chair and table were tied, and on top of them a crate of Barred Rock chickens."

为了庆祝这一里程碑胜利,乌里韦在6人的帮助下坐着带轮的铁床来到大街上,当时街头正好有一场歌舞表演和围观的群众。To celebrate the milestone, six people pushed Uribes wheel-equipped iron bed out to the street as a mariachi band played and a crowd gathered.

本公司现大量回收铁床、木床、金属、塑胶、电子产品、废旧机器设备等废旧物资。The company is a large number of recycling iron beds, wooden bed, metal, plastic, electronic products, machinery and equipment and other waste materials discarded.

在屋子的一个壁角里,有一张坏了的旧铁床,是平日给守夜的姆姆们做临时床用的。In the corner of the room stood an old iron bedstead, which was in a decidedly decrepit state, and which served the sisters as a camp-bed when they were watching with the sick.

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任何有点想出风头的人都可以戴上有褶边的睡帽,躺在完全处在邻居视野内的铁床上,旁边再放上一把椅子、一支蜡烛和“无处不在的门”就更舒服了。Anyone with a slight exhibitionist streak can don a frilly nightcap and stay on this iron bed in full view of the neighbours, with a chair, candle and a "door to nowhere" for comfort.