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切忌冲动购物。Avoid impulse buys.

监控你的冲动。Monitor your urges.

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他太冲动了,说不出话来。He is too excited to eak.

你是一个冲动型消费者吗?Are you an impulse shopper?

有自杀或者行凶的冲动。Suicidal or homicidal urges.

要么产生神经冲动,要么处于静息状态It either fires or it doesn't.

你是情感上的冲动?Are you the impulse of emotion?

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回来,让我感到一种冲动的喜悦。I feel a pulse of joy to beback.

那个冲动会让你行动吗?Which impulse will you act upon?

如果你有吸烟的冲动,先等一等。Delay. If you have an urge, wait.

使得神经冲动得以快速传递It helps the firing work quicker.

控制不住的骑士冲动?Uncontrollable urges of chivalry?

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秋香,你太冲动了!Chou-heung, you are too impulsive.

如果你有吸烟的冲动,先等一等。Delay . If you have an urge, wait.

切割往往始于一种冲动。Cutting often begins on an impulse.

我很少见他这样冲动过。Rarely had I seen him so worked-up.

持续改善实战经验和冲动。Improve the practices and actuation.

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彼得容易冲动,脾气暴躁Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered

我是有激情的冲动型女人。I'm a passionate and impulsive woman.

更大的"情绪"意味着更大的冲动。More emotions meant more impulsivity.