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她的电话被没收。Her phone was confiscated.

把矮人的锤子没收了。Took hammer away from midget.

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再来就是网站可以没收奖金吗?And can winnings be forfeited?

他们没收了他的护照。They confiscated his passport.

任何人都不能没收他的资产。No one can sequestrate his estates.

你为什麽没收小费?Why didn't you accept the gratuity?

所有的偷窃物都将被没收。All stolen items will be confiscated.

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他信的财富已经被没收了。Mr Thaksin's wealth has been impounded.

抑郁甚至没收了我的身份。Depression even confiscates my identity.

六月一号的信你真么没收到?Did you receive the letter from June 1st?

海关人员可以没收走私物品。Customs officers can seize smuggled goods.

苏叶女的个人财富被没收。Su's personal wealth has been confiscated.

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走私物品一定被没收了。The smuggled articles must be confiscated.

因雇佣关系终止而没收。Forfeitures upon Termination of Employment.

谁没收了你的土地,你还会喜欢他吗?Who confiscates your land, do you like him?

警察通常是没收被偷盗的赃物.Police routinely confiscate stolen property.

如果您找到一个合适的没收财产。If you locate a suitable foreclosed property.

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那些走私品是被海关没收的。The seizure of contraband is made by customs.

在学校里发现的任何卡片都将被没收。Any cards found in school will be confiscated.

警察没收了土匪的手枪。The policeman confiscated the robber's pistol.