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烨谁看这里有得天独厚。Ye who read here are blessed.

淄博具有得天独厚的耐火材料资源。Zibo has a unique refractory resources.

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帕蒂抱怨说,乔伊太过于得天独厚。Things came, Patty complained, too easily to Joey.

那个男孩是一位得天独厚的天子骄子。That boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

我国有得天独厚的自然资源。My country is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources.

这里有着得天独厚的地理优势。This place has uniquely advantageous geographic conditions.

三亚市位于海南岛最南部,具有得天独厚的生态环境优势。Sanya City is situated in the southern most of Hainan Island.

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作为表演者,柯蒂斯惊艳的英俊外貌可谓得天独厚。As a performer, Mr. Curtis drew on his startlingly good looks.

而大学语文在人才培养方面具有得天独厚的优势。College Chinese teaching plays a most important role in this way.

合浦沿海得天独厚的海湾是繁衍珍珠的最佳场所。Hepu gulf is of unique geographical position for pearl's growing.

新疆具有得天独厚的水、土、光、热资源。Xinjiang is with advantaged resource of water, soil, light and heat.

宁波港是世界著名的深水良港,自然条件得天独厚。Ningbo Port is a famous deepwater port for its good natural conditions.

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显而易见,葡萄牙的能源产业得益于它得天独厚的气候资源。Of course, Portugal's energy industry benefits from a favourable climate.

寒冷的气候赋予了其得天独厚的冰雪资源。And the frigid climate bestows Heilongjiang rich resources of ice and snow.

平谷得天独厚的自然环境,孕育出了世界最大的桃园。Such fantastic nature environment makes the largest peach farm in the world.

本公司占地面积120000平方米,地理条件得天独厚。It covers 120000 square meters, and enjoys excellent geographical conditions.

母语教育在对未成年人进行价值观教育时的确有得天独厚的优势。Mother-tongue education in values education of minors has a unique advantage.

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三都澳港阔水深,具有得天独厚的优良自然条件。Sanduao Habour is richly endowed by nature with broad estuary and deep water.

米胚是一种得天独厚的天然营养源,具有很高的营养价值。The rice germ is a natural nutrient resource and has vary high nutritive value.

作为制造商,奈费尔提蒂—埃及具有得天独厚的优势,能够满足您的需要。As a manufacturer, nefertiti-egypt is uniquely positioned to fulfill your needs.