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在求学的路上,我也遇到了我的恩师。In my studying way, I met my mentor.

恩师引领四众弟子念佛。The teacher led four Buddha disciple.

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我为我的两位恩师高兴而祝贺。I am happy for my teacher to congratulate the two.

衷心感谢您,我国。我孩子的恩师。My sincere thanks to you for being my child's tehurtr.

衷心感谢您,我孩子的恩师。My sincere thanks to you for being my child’s teacher.

圣诞菊开圣诞节,思念过往恩师情。Chrysanthemum open Christmas, Christmas teacher miss past.

在智识上,我的恩师彼德·伯格对我影响最大,他是我真正的导师。I owe far more in that area to my real mentor, Peter Berger.

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阿诺德·施瓦辛格的第一部电影,由恩师乔·韦德为其争取的。Arnold Schwarzenegger's first film, the teacher Qiao Weide their fight.

恩师应化在世间就是在给众生无声地表法。Teachers should be in the world is in to all beings silent surface method.

迷人的小樱同样也在她的恩师纲手那里学到了不得了的忍术。Kosakura charming Her mentor same gang also learned the very hands of the ninja.

他的早期受到其恩师的影响甚深,主要是莫扎特及海登。His Early period was heavily influenced by his teachers, mainly Mozart and Haydn.

朱耀宗只得将母亲和恩师的婚事报告皇上,请皇上治罪。So Zhu could do nothing but report to the emperor and express his readiness to be punished.

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受到他的恩师翟锦文的启发,他开始了摄影旅途的新一页。Inspired by his beloved trainer Chak Kam Man, he started his photography journey in a new direction.

对于他来说,与恩师“相约星期二”的经历不啻为一个重新审视自己、重读人生必修课的机会。Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life.

在整个休赛期,他一直住在曼哈顿,并且那儿的教练是自己的恩师德安东尼。Throughout the off-season , he has been living in Manhattan, and there is a coach's own mentor de Antonio.

我的启蒙恩师在认真的听我诉说,儿子坐在我的腿上,此情此景让我情难自已。Sitting there with my first mentor listening contentedly and my son on my lap, emotion welled up inside me.

现主要潜心协助恩师陈绪荣大师编著烹饪书籍等工作。With great concentration is mainly to help mentor young Master Chen edited by cooking the books, and so on.

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恩师的教诲如暖潮在心中翻涌,很久都未和师父通话了,师父您还好吗?His teachings such as the boom in the mind roams, long did not call the master and the master, you all right?

恩师为弟子们发送纪念品,祝愿六时吉祥,身心健康。The Master gave souvenirs to his disciples, hoping that this would bring them auspiciousness and good health.

自20年前最后一晤后,我们与恩师夫妇再次在武汉相逢,开怀之至。It was a great pleasure seeing you and your wife again here in Wuhan since our last meeting maybe 20 years ago.