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她们将白人的重负卸去Brought the white man’s burden down

刻在你脆弱的心间也许千斤重负在肩。Your weak mind may bear hundreds of burden.

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祂的双手担承过我们悲愁的重负Whose hands have borne the burden of our sorrow

过不久,我心又在重负下But soon my heart upspake from 'neath our burden

他背上的重负似乎要把他压倒?诘亍?。The burden on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.

它还需要通货膨胀,籍以减轻国内债务的重负。It also needs inflation, to reduce the overhang of domestic debt.

主在十架,情愿被我的重负,流血牺牲自己,为要赦宥我罪。In the ten, willing to be my burdens, bleeding, to forgive me has.

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而后,他们通过压制性的法律和重负,喂养你们的恐惧。They then feed your fears through oppressive laws and impositions.

能堪重负吗。其时躲在芦苇西的牛郎蓦地跑进去拿走了织女的衣裳。Then suddenly the cowherd hidden in the reeds ran away the clothes.

一方面,它减轻了过度拥挤的公共交通的重负。For another, it saves time. As public transportation is overburdened.

对虚拟碎片的支持,用于缓和与重新分片相关的重负。Support for virtual shards to ease the pain associated with resharding.

特别适用于优质的重负荷无石棉摩擦材料。Especially suited for premium and heavy duty asbestos-free applications.

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越南战争惨败,卸下了南方的重负And that a burden was taken off the South by the loss of that Vietnam War.

当然,能结伴而行会很幸福,有人帮助分担重负。Of course, its nice if wetravel with some one who can help lighten the load.

在九岁大时,他就已经感到生活的重负像座大山般压在自己肩上。At nine years old, he felt as if the weight of a mountain were on his shoulders.

当岁月流逝,对于某些人来说,这将成为不能承受的重负。And as the years go on it is a burden that can become too heavy for some to bere.

结果今天我们将看到在不必要的重负下生活举步维艰。Today we will look at the results of slogging through life under that extra weight.

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年复一年,美国人民承担着陈旧而不合理的联邦纳税制度的重负。Year after year, Americans are burdened by an archaic, incoherent federal tax code.

由于证道的天平上承载了如此的重负,你最好要明晓为什么你要证道。Since so much hangs on the balance of your preaching, you better know why you are doing it.

它帮助你开始从旧伤中康复,它让你卸下过去的重负,它为你打开通往崭新未来的门。It helps healing begin, frees you of the weight of the past, and opens doors to a new future.