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节奏和鼓点Rhythm and beat.

这是一首节奏慢的歌。It's a slow song.

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我喜欢节奏快的音乐。I like fast music.

慢生活节奏?living life slowly?

这是个纯节奏This is pure rhythm.

另一首节奏十足的歌曲。Another up-beat number.

现代生活节奏快。Modern life moves fast.

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那这个是哪种节奏So what about that one?

象没有节奏的波尔卡舞。Like a polka with no dots.

炙热的阳光,空气中迷漫着咸味,海浪有节奏地拍打着。Salty air. Rhythmic waves.

他喜欢迪斯科音乐的节奏。He liked disco music tempo.

边唱边拍节奏。Clap the beat while you sing.

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刚才曲子的节奏是什么呢Which rhythm is in play here?

老兄,那音乐的节奏真强!Man, that is really bad music!

可以用铃鼓拍节奏。Someone can use the tambourine.

这是语言节奏造成的It's the rhythm of the language.

整个京剧表演节奏很慢,不像电影。And the whole thing is very slow.

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放出点节奏,展现出爱,伙计。And throw dubs, show love, nigga.

我来将它的节奏记下来Let me take the rhythm out of it.

慢慢来,走你自己的节奏。Take it slowly and pace yourself.