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他们为买卖商品讨价还价。They dickered over the goods.

没错,我习惯讨价还价。Yes, I used to make bargains.

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他们不能和傀儡讨价还价。They cannot bargain with golems.

她和店员讨价还价,但那位店员不为所动,把我妈气个半死。Mum haggled with the sales woman.

她与贩子讨价还价。She beat a bargain with a dealer.

我们不喜欢在价格上讨价还价。We don't like to haggles on price.

我们和她讨价还价。We bargained with her for the price.

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我们拒绝在价格上讨价还价。We refuse to bargain over the price.

他们从来不跟商人讨价还价。They never chaffer with tradespeople.

我为那辆二手车和他讨价还价。I bargained with him for the used car.

她会是一个要讨价还价的鸨母吗?。Is she a bawd that she should bargain?

“讨价还价”的人就是“小气鬼”吗?Is the one who "bargains" a "niggard"?

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即使是很小的讨价还价也能聚成大折扣。Even small bargains add up to big ones.

老特威迪在讨价还价方面可真精明哩。Hard as nails at a bargain, old Tweedy.

他们就苹果的价格讨价还价。They dickered over the price of apples.

真的?你买东西经常讨价还价吗?Really? Do you always dicker over prices?

妇女们正在与小贩讨价还价。The women are bartering with the barrowman.

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他宁愿死也不愿意讨价还价。He would rather die than dicker over prices.

最后,我要说,讨价还价,不等于小气。Last, I have to say "bargain" is not niggard.

那个老人在跟他的邻居讨价还价。The old man is dickering with his neighbours.