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哈哈,夏天来了。Ahh, summer time.

哈哈,过奖了。Ha, I am flattered.

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哈哈.是.我知道.Haha, yeah, I know.

哈哈,但不会滑头。Haha, but not slick.

这个念头让我哈哈地笑了起来。The idea makes me laugh.

哈哈,太可爱太聪明了!Ha-ha, so cute and smart!

哈哈,让我们拭目以待吧。Ha-ha. Let's wait and see.

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在树下面也有两根!哈哈!There are two in the tree.

梅酒,让我们变得很开心。哈哈。Erica, knows me well. hehe.

我是剩女了,哈哈。I am really a 3S lady,haha.

想再看看吗?哈哈。Wanna see it again? Hehehe.

哈哈,我们俩都喜欢滑冰。Ha-ha! We both like skating.

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啊哈哈!我觉得自己轻了30磅!Ahhh! I feel 30 lbs. lighter!

我可没打哈哈,我是认真的。I am not joking. I'm serious.

哈哈,七只熊都是我的。Seven Teddy bears all for me!

你看不懂,傻瓜。哈哈。You can not read, fool. Haha.

哈哈,作为第一次很不错了吧?Not bad for my first time, no?

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怎么你还跑我QQ上来了吗?哈哈!QQ me how you run up it? Haha!

龙忽然哈哈地笑起来。The dragon burst out laughing.

下一个人说,“哈哈。”The next person says, “Ha-ha.”