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抱歉,打岔一下。Sorry to butt in.

掌握打岔的技巧。Master the craft of slurring.

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我说话的时候,请不能打岔。Don't interrupt me when I talk.

他不容许别人打岔。He would brook no interruptions.

他用一些愚蠢的问题打岔。He interrupted with silly questions.

当我在跟别人说话时,不要打岔。Don't interrupt me while I am talking.

请原谅我打岔。Please forgive me for interrupting you.

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我希望你别老是打岔。I wish you wouldn't keep on interrupting.

一打岔我就把这事全忘了。An interruption put it quite out of my head.

希望你不介意我如此冒昧打岔。I hope you don't mind me barging in like this.

不要打岔,你等我把话讲完再说。Don’t interrupt. Just hear me out before you start talking.

打岔的事,一些电子邮件和电话。Examples include interruptions, some email and some phone calls.

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请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that.

无数的打岔的事使我未能完成工作。Numerous interruptions have prevented me from finishing the work.

我不能完成这项工作,因为打岔的事太多了。I can' t finish this work because there are so many interruptions.

舒曼和季诚出来,季诚要解释,正直却打岔。Schumann and JiCheng JiCheng out, to explain, integrity, but broke.

他非常生气,他在帮无尾熊录影,你却跑去打岔!He was very mad. He was recording the koalas , and you interrupted him!

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“波莉,”我抱怨道,“别打岔,这一推论是错误的。"Polly, " I groaned, "don't derail the discussion. The inference is wrong.

不要打岔,在停顿时用沉默鼓励让他们多言。Don't interrupt, let them talk and use silent pauses to encourage them to talk.

聆听的恩赐。不打岔,不计划你的反应。只是聆听。The gift of listening. No interrupting, no planning your response. Just listening.