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这种燃料要用来烘干当地的主粮玉米。The combined fuel is used to dry corn before storing it.

少数国家主导了主粮的国际贸易。A handful of countries dominate the global trade in staple foods.

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玉米是东南亚的一种主粮作物,既作为食物,又作为动物家畜养料。Maize is a staple crop in South-EastAsia, both as a food and animal feed.

玉米是东南亚的一种主粮作物,既作为食物,又作为动物饲料。Maize is a staple crop in South-East Asia, both as a food and animal feed.

疫苗及甚至主粮作物已被修改去实现这些目标。Vaccines and even staple food crops have been modified to achieve these goals.

稻谷要从这里运去脱粒或去壳,成为全家人必需的主粮。Whence it would be taken to be threshed or hulled, as the necessities of the family required.

木薯是许多国家的主粮,但是它几乎没有蛋白质和微量营养物质。Cassava is a staple food in many developing countries but has little protein and micronutrients.

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他呼吁更关注主粮作物的育种工作,这包括培训作物育种专家。He calls for focused plant-breeding efforts on staple food crops that include training for plant breeders.

此外,农业综合企业把注意力集中在了主粮作物中,在这里可以获得最大的利润。Furthermore, agribusiness has focused its efforts on the main food crops, where the largest profits are to be made.

一个是主粮价格的大幅下降意味着他们已经成为穷人的主要食物。A substantial reduction in the price of staple foods has meant they have become more predominant in the diet of poor people.

居民还报告了甘膦除草剂造成的环境破坏,包括对主粮农作物的破坏以及小溪中的死鱼。Residents have also reported environmental damage from glyphosate, including damage to food crops and streams strewn with dead fish.

此外,少数几个国家已批准对生物技术主粮作物,如香蕉、甘薯、小扁豆和羽扇豆,进行田间试验。Additionally, biotech staples such as bananas, sweet potatoes, lentils and lupins have all been approved for field testing in a few countries.

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例如,一个致力于培育更有营养的主粮作物的全球项目HarvestPlus正在几乎完全避免转基因技术,而使用传统的育种方法。HarvestPlus, a global programme aimed at creating more nutritious staple crops, is avoiding GM technology almost entirely and using conventional breeding instead.

然而,日本消费者坚决反对这种开发,因为稻米是他们日常生活中的主粮,因而形成反对转基因稻米研究的收集了大量签名的请愿书。However Japanese consumers opposed the development because rice is their main food in dairy life, and made petition with collecting signature against the research.

Pope说,这可能带来重大的影响,诸如所有主粮作物减产、森林火灾、干旱、冰川融化和洪水风险。This would have major implications such as reduced yields for all major cereal crops, as well as forest fires, drought, glacier melting and flood risks, said Pope.

生物技术提供了可能性,通过提高穷人赖于生存的主粮的营养品质,来改善数十亿世界穷人的福利。It offers the possibility of improving the well-being of billions of the world's poor by boosting the nutritional quality of the staple foods they rely on to survive.

他们仍然买不起含有足够维生素和矿物质的非主粮,诸如蔬菜、水果、豆类、动物和鱼类食品。They still cannot afford to buy sufficient quantities of vitamin- and mineral- rich non-staple foods such as vegetables, fruits, pulses, and animal and fish products.

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报告预测,季节变化和长期的干旱会大幅度减少玉米作物的产量。玉米是2.5亿东非人的主粮。The report predicts that changing seasons and prolonged droughts could dramatically decrease the yield of maize crops, the staple food of a quarter billion East Africans.

中国已经允许种植转基因棉花、辣椒、土豆和木管,但是水稻尚不在这份名单上,因为作为中国的一种关键主粮,水稻被认为是一种更敏感的作物。China has allowed GM crops such as cotton, peppers, tomatoes and papayas to be grown but rice is not on this list and, as a key staple in the nation's diet, is regarded as a more sensitive crop.

尼日利亚已经成为世界上最大的粮食进口国之一,特别是大米和小麦,该国本可以大面积种植这两类主粮,以实现自给自足。Nigeria has become one of the world's biggest importers of food staples, particularly rice and wheat, both of which the country could potentially grow in large enough quantities to be self-sufficient.